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#74675 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 29 November 2016 - 04:02 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

If you truly consider him armed and dangerous to others, I would report to authorities. On the other hand if he felt this was the "last stand" it could become deadly. Although the same could be said if you don't talk to somebody. Does he have family you can speak to? That might be the safer initial route.

He lives with his mom, but she's a nut too. Not like him, but the crazy Jesus type who let her cat drag itself after it had a stroke and was paralyzed below the waste because "god's will". My problem is if I call the authorities, what can I say? Our only conversation during this was him telling me to fuck off after I asked him to talk to someone professionally. "Yea, my friend told me my college room mate has boarded the crazy train and is armed."

My uncle is the retired dispatcher for the police. Maybe I should call him.

#73599 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 25 July 2016 - 08:45 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

So...how 'bout that Trump speech!

I thought it was great

#75187 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 03 March 2017 - 10:10 AM in News, Current Events, Politics



Will Democrats demand he resign or will their outrage coincidentally not manifest here?  Bets anyone?

#73611 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 26 July 2016 - 01:43 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

This is how the sausage is made.  I have no doubt you'd find similar comments if the RNC was hacked.  The only difference is that the DNC tries to play itself off as above all of this and cries racism, sexism or homophobia at every tweet or off hand comment.  Hopefully this wakens a lot of people's eyes.   I wish I was in the US to see Rachel Madow's head explode, assuming they don't all sweep this under the rug.

#74836 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 January 2017 - 02:10 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Democrats have lost three of the last four federal elections—2010, 2014 and 2016—in large part because they are still clinging to the comforting but false notion that voters punish bad behavior.

The Democrats’ 2016 presidential campaign essentially focused on proving Donald Trump was too boorish to be an acceptable occupant of the highest office in the land. And in the lead-up to the 2010 and 2014 midterms, Democrats railed against Congressional Republicans’ obstruction of President Obama, decrying the GOP’s refusal to give the administration any cooperation, even on issues where pollsters showed high levels of support from the public. Their complaints failed, and Republicans won.

More than two months after the stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton, there seems to be no evidence that Democrats have learned anything. They continue to harp on whatever makes Trump look “unpresidential,” and while there is unquestionably plenty of material there, it is also clear that there aren’t enough voters who care about such things to swing an election. If there were, Trump would not have prevailed.


Clinton won the popular vote, and she won it decisively, by nearly three million ballots. That brings us to another thing Democrats haven’t learned, but need to soon: the necessity of focusing on what’s important. In terms of winning and losing, it’s irrelevant that Clinton won the popular vote. Whether you like our unfair, undemocratic electoral college system or not (for the record, this columnist doesn’t), we’re stuck with it unless we change the Constitution or enough states band together to create a work-around. It’s fine that Clinton won by four million votes in California, but strategically speaking, it would have been far more important for Democrats to turn out another 80,000 votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. If you can’t change the rules, you have to figure out how to win by the current ones.

In that vein, here’s another lesson Democrats need to learn: complaining about the rules won’t change the results. Take, for example, Democrats’ continued outcry over gerrymandering and voter ID requirements in Republican-controlled states. You can simultaneously accept that these devices are in place to suppress Democratic votes and also understand that as long as Republicans hold power, these devices will remain in place. If you want to change the rules, there’s only one way to do that: win elections. If that means mounting drives to help voters in states with restrictive voter ID laws get the necessary photo identification, then that’s what you have to do. You don’t have to like these laws, but you do need to get real. Stamping your feet and holding your breath until you turn blue will not win an election or change a law.


And here’s another, closely-related lesson Democrats would do well to learn: nobody cares about your feelings. You can march, yell, and sign petitions all you want, but your voice won’t be heard until you figure out where the correct pressure points are located.

Now, look, it’s not entirely your fault if you don’t understand the political game. Americans generally grasp what we are taught about civics—but most of what we’ve been taught is a sanitized, idealized version that bears little, if any, resemblance to reality.

We are taught in school—to our everlasting disadvantage—that our elected officials, regardless of where they stand on various issues, are rational public servants who can be reasoned with. If we make enough polite phone calls, write enough letters, hold enough rallies, our voice will be heard. Nobody believes in this idealized version of our government other than progressives. (Conservatives are much more clear-eyed, and that’s why they win so often.)

So, let’s give grudging credit where credit is due. The political right grasps the way the system really works: one side or the other gets power, and, with that power, it does what it wants. The only way to block that side from implementing its agenda is to deprive it of its power.

Conservatives understand the importance of power, and they go all out to get it and to block their opponents from exercising it. Progressives, meanwhile, are addicted to the affectations of powerlessness: the protest march, the petition, the complaint, the indignation over unfair play and hypocrisy, and the incessant pleading for those who hold power to listen to them.

It would serve the left to stop clinging to an idealized version of how things should work and instead accept how they things actually work. It is far more important to understand power: what it is, how to get it, how to use it, and how to keep it.

And, by the way, can the “goo-goos” on the left grow up and stop acting as if power is an inherently evil thing? Power can be used for good or bad, depending on who wields it and what they want to accomplish. But powerlessness never ends well. It is progressives’ squeamishness about power that prevents them from ever wielding it very effectively, or for very long. When you’re in love with the notion of fighting the power, it makes actually getting and wielding power very difficult.

Nothing gets accomplished without power. You can’t implement your agenda otherwise. Your opponents are not going to give you what you want just because you signed a petition, or marched, or called your congressman’s office and asked politely.

This failure to understand and accept these facts is why for most of the last two decades the Democratic Party has consistently failed to achieve its most important purpose: winning elections. The Democrats have won three of the last 10 federal elections. Two of those elections occurred in 2008 and 2012, when Democrats had the good fortune of having a once in a lifetime candidate, Barack Obama, at the top of the ticket. The third, in 2006, occurred when the George W. Bush administration’s utter incompetence at multiple levels angered swing voters enough for them to throw his party out of power.

In order to regain and maintain power, the Democratic Party is going to have to do a better job of recruiting good candidates and getting Democratic-leaning voters to turn out in all elections, not just presidential races in which a charismatic candidate leads the ticket.

This starts with involvement at local-level elections. Many of the conservatives who took over school boards and town councils in the past have become today’s state legislators and members of Congress. No election is too small or unimportant to participate or to vote in. Even if you don’t have schoolchildren of your own, that local school board election could be the jumping-off point for the person who will be your governor or senator in 20 years. Republicans have been eating Democrats’ lunch at the local levels for many years by building their bench and getting their activists involved.

The Tea Party movement that started early in Obama’s first term has been decried by the left for its positions and tactics, but the Tea Party undisputedly understood power. It organized, took down hundreds of incumbents at all levels of government, and it became a powerful force that establishment Republicans were afraid to cross for fear of being challenged at the primary level.

Progressives need to take a lesson from the Tea Party if they want to advance their own agenda. Merely being loud and visible isn’t going to cut it. They have to organize, and they have to vote in every election: presidential, midterm, primary, and special. Only when they demonstrate a credible threat to politicians’ jobs will they get what they want. Winning, not whining, is what creates change.



#73631 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 27 July 2016 - 09:02 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Again, the nonsense of faux outrage is ending with Trump. Trumps not advocating Russia breach the NSA or even DNC. He's saying he hopes they release the 33k emails Clinton hid to prove once again how full of shit she is.

If you're outraged, direct it to the one who broke the law and actually jeopardized US security with her persistent cronyism. Schultz steps down and Clinton adds her to the team. If that isn't pissing on your boots and telling you it's raining, I don't know what is.

#74663 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 29 November 2016 - 07:11 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

Maybe. But his delusion extends far further than that letter. He believes he was chased by the men in black while he drove to Virginia. The whole time they were hitting him with some device that makes you insane. They also altered his gps mid route to lure a trap. He claims they rented the house across the street and when he confronted them they blasted him with that heat gun and took him to a hospital.

I just don't know what to do. Like I said, he hasn't told this latest round of lunacy to me personally. But this guy is armed and thinks spooks are tracking him. He hasn't made a direct threat, but I don't think that will clear anyone's conscience if something bad happens. I've encouraged our mutual friend to contact the authorities, but doubt he will. What would you guys do?

#73907 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 26 August 2016 - 01:39 PM in News, Current Events, Politics



Should Hillary be forced to denounce the support from the KKK and scour her millions of donations to find out who may be affiliated with a radical group and return the money?  Or does this faux outrage only go one direction?

#74832 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 January 2017 - 10:34 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

Cause I don't think Trump is going single payer, so it'll have nothing to do with the nonsense Bernie pushed. Expand Medicaid to cover those without (and tax them for it with no bullshit loopholes and a marginal co-pay to mitigate abuse). Let the other 85% of the country keep their private insurance and the ability to get an MRI in days rather than months.

But I want abortion to be a covered procedure and nothing is going to get the GOP behind it.

#73930 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 27 August 2016 - 12:29 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I've yet to see anything that qualifies as Trump "flip flopping", but I find it funny that this is somehow an issue when you can pick virtually an issue and Hillary has had multiple positions on it.  I really like the videos from 2008 where Hillary advocates building a wall and enforcing our immigration laws.

#75018 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 05 February 2017 - 06:56 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

When did wanting to keep your identity and community become a vice. Why is saying I want immigrants that make my country better and want to join us rather than change us, compared to the country bumpkin who yells the N word or calls Mexicans "wetbacks".

Trump's not advocating or legislating any act that treats someone differently just because of their race or religion. The majority of Arabs and Muslims were unaffected by this. To conflate denying immediate entry from areas with high concentrations of radical Islamists, to internment camps or the holocaust is offensive. You're not directly doing it, but comments such as fascism or authoritarian are allusions to these past horrors.

I believe it's because you can't argue why we shouldn't take a better look at people coming from Sudan, so the argument becomes about Trump's plan to round up 30 million undesirables and send them to the showers.

#74169 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 05 October 2016 - 03:35 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I watched some.  Kaine came across as obnoxious, but I don't think the VP debates mean much.  I'm still going to vote for Clinton.

#73598 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 25 July 2016 - 08:23 PM in News, Current Events, Politics



I heard that the DNC convention opened to a combination of cheers and boos.  We'll see if Hillary gets fact checked by Oliver when she starts her wage gap and war on women nonsense.  I won't be holding my breath.  That being said, whoever that idiot was calling Obama a Muslim needs to be dropped off on a deserted island.  I'm just glad Trump's team didn't put that piece of shit Gingrich on the ticket.  Though the irony is that the left forgets violence is going down every time they try to exploit one of the shootings they feel will rally their base.

#74171 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 05 October 2016 - 09:43 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I came out on Facebook today and it's created a shit storm with people commenting "you're dead to me" to "I'm going to drive to Pittsburgh and slap you in the face". Some think I'm pulling an elaborate prank. So I'll post two of my lengthy posts to explain.

Yes, I’m a lifelong Republican and I’m going to vote for Hillary Clinton. I know some of my Republican friends are going to be upset. They’re going to claim I betrayed them. That I’m a statist or that I’ve finally smoked myself stupid. It’s not because the GOP is out of touch (they are, but so is the DNC). I’ve never been a social conservative and my one hopeful takeaway from this election is that the moral majority will finally be put to rest within the GOP’s ranks. I don’t care who you sleep with, who or how you love, and I don’t care what invisible man in the sky you think is watching you. You’re free to live your life how you see fit, I just don’t think I should have to pay to cover your gambling losses. If you’re voting for Trump or Clinton, you lose all credibility when you try to dictate how others should behave behind closed doors.

I loathe Hillary Clinton. Not because of her beliefs (I can’t think of any issue she hasn’t held numerous views on during the past 20 years), but because she’s a dishonest, secretive and manipulative person. The exact same traits Trump possesses. The only difference is she’s the only one competent enough to manage the executive branch. It’s really that simple. Romney was mocked for calling Russia/Putin our greatest threat, but unless you’ve been living under a rock, you realize how true that is today. And the idea of Donald Trump sitting across from Vladimir Putin terrifies me. As much as I dislike Hillary, I have no doubt she can go toe to toe with Putin or any other world leader.

It looks like the GOP will hold the Senate, and quite frankly that’s much more important than who sits in the White House. Make no mistake, Clinton dislikes Obama. She wants to leave a legacy. What better way to accomplish that than by doing what Obama refused to do the past 8 years and work with Congressional Republicans to pass bi-partisan legislation. She may pay lip service to the Bernie crowd, but she’s going to govern from the same center she’s always come from and where her husband governed from in the 90s. Call it rationalization, but I think Clinton is more likely to work with the GOP than Trump is to not only work with his own alleged party, but the Democrats as well.

So that’s it. It’s not a sacrifice of values or beliefs. It’s choosing between sanity and insanity. It’s choosing between 3 day-old pizza or eating horse dung. You’re free to disagree and vote for whom you think is best qualified. But I implore my Trump friends to consider is it worth giving a big “fuck you” to Political Correctness at the expense of America’s reputation and standing abroad? I’m not willing to take that gamble with the man who led the Birther movement.


John thinks I'm joking too. I'm not. For months I've been trying to justify a vote for Trump. I toyed with the idea of voting for him in the primary when it became obvious Kasich stood no chance, but ultimately supported Kasich in hopes of a split convention. I really hoped Cruz would keep Trump short on the delegate count and sanity would win at the convention.

When that didn't happen, I didn't want to be the asshole rocking the boat. We're up against Clinton, so I had to get in line to stop that. I couldn't justify Trump, but I assumed I'd figure it out before November. We were up against Clinton!

I even started to feel more confident in my unqualified support when Trump surged in September. I think it was horseshit for Trump to be attacked for responding to parents of a fallen Soldier for politicizing their son's death to assault Trump. Someone else's tragedy or sacrifice doesn't provide anyone protection from having their ideas or claims questioned or refuted. My passion for watching political correctness and false narratives be called out. I have very strong opinions on the narrative being pushed by #BLM, and some of what was brought out by Trump created a voice for those thoughts. I'd love to find someone that can provide an informed explanation for why this movement isn't based on misinformation.

But after the debates I remembered why I wasn't a fan of his from the start. He's the guy who led the Birther movement. I'm not interested in even breathing life back into it because it's so misinformed and based in hate that anyone who believes it to have a grain of accuracy to it is a fool in my eyes. He doesn't have a plan. He offers a feeling of security. He's not informed on major issues and lacks the understanding of how to implement his ideas into law.

I know that his offer to Kasich happened. He offered away his responsibilities so he could continue his brash and aloof like leadership. I don't believe he was ever serious about being elected. I believe it was a ploy from the start to increase his brand like a Kardashian. But he caught on with the masses and his ego wouldn't let him back out. If he loses this election, millions of more people are aware of the Trump brand. If he wins, he turns it over to Pence and what are hopefully competent cabinet members. Christie would be a great AG, but god forbid we get Palin as Secretary of State.

We have real relationships and agreements we need to maintain with other nations. Every diplomatic conversation doesn't have to be " Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." The US doesn't need to compare dick sizes every time it talks to someone. Yes, the US is great. But that doesn't mean other countries don't have great things too. Get out of the country once in a while. It's a beautiful world out there. Trump will take every opportunity to make HIM look tough at the expense of what may be the best outcome for America. Clinton won't do that. As I said earlier, there probably isn't a world leader she hasn't had dinner with. That's why she gets my vote at the end of the day.

So please don't accuse me of giving no pause for rational, factual thought. If that's your conclusion after all I've written, you've failed to grasp what I've said.

#74670 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 29 November 2016 - 02:12 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Freedom of speech is meaningless if you're not allowed to speak the most unpopular ideas. That includes burning the flag

#74200 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 10 October 2016 - 05:42 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I left my tv on fox from the debate last night and turned it on when I got home. I just saw an ad from Clinton running on fox. Think Trump is running ads on MSNBC? If this wasn't a sign this race is over, I don't know what is.

I really thought Pence would drop out this weekend. A lot of people are talking about him for 2020, but the guy supported public dollars for gay conversion therapy. Can't the GOP get behind a sane, rational candidate any more?

Seriously, why would a McCain or Romney run against a primary of wack jobs looking for their newest book deal. We had 4-5 competent candidates in the primary and none of them got any traction. The DNC has Kerry and Schumer they can run in 2020 or 2024 should they have to. I can't think of a single GOP senator or governor that can run and excite people for 2020.

#74695 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 05 December 2016 - 02:48 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I feel like I've read the same article 1,000 times.  It's December 5...on to other things, I think.  Such as appointing a guy to be HUD secretary because he grew up in a city.

You guys elected a community organizer to be President.  Democrats have no credibility when it comes to picking leaders based on credentials and track records.

#74204 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 10 October 2016 - 06:57 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

This guy summed up my thoughts perfectly:


#74835 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 January 2017 - 01:53 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

It's the thought process behind it. Gender is a fabricated concept with no basis in reality, let alone definable enough to be legislated. There's no science or research behind it. It's the litmus test of insanity and make believe. If you believe men can become women, what won't you believe?

How many bakeries refused to make cakes for gay weddings? If transgender people are so rare, why did the President issue an executive order removing title ix funding from any school who didn't play make believe?

You guys want a DNA sample and mental evaluation to buy a shotgun, but if someone that looks like the guitar player from ZZ Top asks to use the women's restroom, it'd be a hate crime to ask if he's a woman. Want to bring your pit bull into Applebee's and charge people with a hate crime if the manager asks if this is really a service dog. Anything to make you feel safe and enlightened, you'll sign up.

#74489 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 November 2016 - 09:53 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

The student either has freedom of speech or not.  Disrespecting the flag is an act of speech.  I can't think of many things more disrespectful than flying it alongside symbols of the Confederacy or pinning it to the chest of someone who wants to prosecute his political enemies and the free press, but those acts of speech are protected, too.  The teacher, however, acted in this context as an employee of the school district.  While the teacher has the same liberties, those liberties don't have to be respected by an employer that doesn't wish to be associated with such speech. 


That's not left/right...that's Constitution. 



The teacher didn't force him to pledge allegiance.  I just find it funny that someone who is here illegally is refusing to pledge allegiance to our flag, but was upset when the teacher pointed out his home country is shit, and that because he violated our laws by being here illegally, he can return to his 3rd world shit hole where there is no 1st Amendment.   I could give a fuck about the feelings of some illegal who flaunts our laws and culture.  


What, 4 or 5 mayors came out yesterday saying they would refuse to cooperate with the Feds and remain sanctuary cities.  I think it was the mayor of Minneapolis on Maddow last night saying that despite potentially losing tens of millions of dollars, she was going to stick by her illegals.  So, the mayors of several major cities believe that their illegal residents are so important they will negatively impact the lives of the majority of their residents.  Think about that.  The mayor is going to harm her constituents so that people who can't even vote for her are "protected."  How much you want to bet there's a recall and her ass is lobbed out the second the actual citizens in her city are impacted by her bleeding heart values. .  

#74838 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 January 2017 - 03:48 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I agree that gender is socially constructed,but so is economics, government, and everything else.  So, I'm fairly comfortable that the requirements to go through years of therapy prior to a sex change make this incredibly unlikely to be high cost.  If anything the cost of the psychiatry is probably the larger share.




Except we're not talking about the people who are actually diagnosed with Gender dysphoria who have spent years in counseling and after much thought and deliberation, are getting surgery to appear like a member of the opposite sex.  We're talking about the vast majority of people who feel gender is a fad and invent pronouns to describe an infinite amount of identities.  We're talking about people who claim to be "gender fluid" because it's the in thing to do.  NYC passed a law fining people who don't refer to people by their preferred pronoun.  We're not talking about some asshole refusing to call someone who went through surgery to become a woman "she" (though I would argue even then it shouldn't be punishable to be an asshole), we're talking about the 80 other pronouns with no basis in objective reality because the name of the game is to try to be as special and unique as possible without any effort.  





You're confusing civil rights of basic equality with policy in general.  A person's classification is a civil rights issue, regardless of how small a minority of the population they are.  That's why. 


And randomly deciding you're a poly-homo-dolphin-smork and demanding others refer to you as that isn't protected.  I'm not even certain "gender identity" is protected.  If Obama wrote some EO to make it so, that holds no meaning.  Congress creates the law and SCOTUS has ruled that trendy teenagers and 20 somethings are discriminated against if society doesn't recognize their self diagnosed and created labels.  Gender Dysphoria is a bona fide mental illness according to the APA.  Should Schizophrenics who claim to hear the voice of god be legislated to have their claims be viewed as truthful and punish anyone who says "no, you don't hear god, you're just fucking crazy."  So no, it's not a civil right



Speech isn't a hate crime, unless it rises to the level of harassment.  And  asking if a dog is a service dog isn't either.  The irony of me even arguing this with you is that I don't really support categorization of things as hate crimes, nor am I keen on making major changes to how we all go to the bathroom.  Oh, and I wouldn't be caught dead at Applebee's.


There are numerous states that prevent someone from asking these questions.  In practice, there is nothing stopping me from walking into a woman's bathroom and claiming I am transgender.  I really don't give a fuck what bathroom you use, but the idea that people can self diagnose and do whatever they want is absurd.  It's equally illegal in many places to ask for proof a pet is a certified service animal, especially with the criteria required to get that label.  I've found plenty of websites that for $30 will issue me a vest and card so my lazy, food obsessed beagle can join me for chicken wings.  You're right, it's not a hate crime because the left hasn't been able to remove the 1st Amendment yet, but there's plenty of people who call it just that.  Just remember there are people who claim they have PTSD from Twitter.  We've gone off the rails with political correctness and identity politics.  Lewis can call Trump an illegitimate President, but if Trump says maybe Lewis should be more worried about the murders in his district rather than vying for camera time, the media and left explodes that Trump is attacking a civil rights icon.  They tried this shit at the Democratic Convention with Kahn and look how well it worked for them.

#74492 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 November 2016 - 10:21 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

So angry.  And your side won. 


My hate makes me powerful

#75186 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 03 March 2017 - 10:07 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

Is everyone else enjoying the political hypocrisy as much as I am?


Obama gives good speeches, "he's all talk"; Trump gives one ok speech without acting like a complete asshole, "he's presidential"

Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton while Hillary was under investigation; Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador in an election in which the Trump campaign received Russian assistance

Hillary Clinton had a private email server through which she did government business; Mike Pence apparently ran the state of Indiana through an AOL account


First, how fucking funny is it that Mike Pence is on AOL.  I didn't know that AOL still existed.  That was the kind of internet access we had at my house back in the 90s.


But while the above aren't always equal (except perhaps the speech one), I am enjoying the blatant hypocrisy.  What's the over/under on the Trump admin matching in its first year the total sum of scandals Obama had in eight years?  Hell, we might already be there.



I still use my AOL account as my primary email, and I'm a so called security expert.  


If you don't make a distinction between Sessions meeting publicly and formally with someone he's supposed to meet with, and Lynch having a secret meeting with the husband of someone under investigation, I don't know what to tell you.  If you don't make a distinction between someone breaking the law by putting classified information on an external, unsecure network, I don't know what to tell you.  These are valid distinctions.  And not a single Democrat came out asking Lynch recuse herself after the meeting.  If you don't see the hypocrisy in that, I don't know what to tell you.

#74656 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 28 November 2016 - 09:29 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Here's some fun reading for you guys. My college roommate has gone off the deep end. I had a falling out with him years ago, but a mutual friend occasionally talks to him still. We were alerted that he had disappeared this weekend after being fired from his job as a papa John's driver. He was also evicted recently for being 3 months behind on rent. One last caveat before I deliver the goods - he was an officer for a month before he just quit the national guard. Quit as in no call no show and received a bad conduct discharge. And while he voted for Trump this time, he's a hard core socialist and was the only democrat in our group in college.


Subject: I am a former army officer who was tortured by the U.S Government during the election

Not really sure what good this will do, but maybe if you hear my story it will help the next guy. In October I was tortured by the U.S government for weeks for revealing that the TPP was being used to buy influence by this administration and President Obama was using Clinton's private e-mail server and lied to the press regarding it. The timeline and evidence of the previous two events can be verified by looking at my posting history at ar15.com general discussion. I was posting under the name "redacted". I am unable to verify the torture other than the damage that has been done to my body and mind. The U.S. government is operating armed drones over U.S soil with a drone mounted version of the microwave ADS system and has not informed the public that this is occurring. I've lost my house, my job, my reputation, and my future for revealing this information. I am currently under surveillance and am living in my car so please do not attempt to contact me. Do what you want with the information provided.


Yes this is legit. I reached out to him today to encourage him to get professional help. This guy is armed and literally has nothing to lose. This is what mental illness looks like.

#75189 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 03 March 2017 - 03:03 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Of course I don't.  But if someone on the right made that comment, Pelosi and Schumer would be out front dressed in white demanding a blood sacrifice.