Long story short, some feminist (Zoe Quinn) with no coding background or capability came up with the idea for a game. She designed one played from the point of view from a person suffering from depression. Real appealing, right? Anyway, she got some exposure for her game due to its unique topic in the indie game world. Allegedly she slept with 5 guys in the very prestigious video game journalism circle. She did this while in a relationship. All 5 of those guys wrote a positive review for her, and there is some compelling evidence that she did this for certain with at least one. After finding out, the girl's douchenozzle boyfriend went on every gaming forum and posted some 20 page diatribe calling her a whore and exposing all her secrets.
Most sites immediately deleted the discussion as they thought it was entirely of a personal nature. This resulted in your typical internet wackjobs claiming conspiracy and thus the term "gamergate" was born. To make matters worse, the most devout of the nutters began an online harassment campaign against Zoe, one at least stooping so low as to call her father and inform him of her alleged affairs. This behavior led to an onslaught of condemnation from a lot of people, including Joss Whedon. Anita Sarkeesian (among countless others) injected themselves into the conversation by furthering their nonsense that the video game industry is exploitative and demeaning to women. Months if not years prior to all of this, Anita was criticized for her outlandish claims and "studies" that had no basis in fact or research. She's always attacked her detractors as misogynist, but she has become the defacto feminist leader out of this whole mess. But now anyone who attacks her lies is not only labeled a misogynist, but as someone who supports the obscene behavior of a bunch of nutters who legitimize every stereo type of the basement dwelling, cheetoh eating lard ass.
Now she's claiming death threats every other day and linking a donation page for her cause. She most recently took flack because immediately after the Seattle shooting, she blamed it on male oppression and the objectification of women via video games. Rather than accept the criticism as a critique on her bullshit, it's just a bunch of mean spirited men's righters attacking her as a woman. Hence art's earlier comment, that "#gamergate isn't your shield".
Beta male, and chubby incel doing what I do best...