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#3076 freedom78


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Posted 03 March 2016 - 04:50 PM

Half the country doesn't vote. A candidate like Trump has the potential to reach out to a lot of sitters. The turnout in the primaries is an indication more people who don't bother ordinarily now go out to vote. If they do in the general, a lot of them could be for Trump. More than enough to beat a lukewarm Hillary.


The deciding factor imo will be if he manages to neutralize the haters who will vote Hillary in spite. He needs to make them unscared so they will concede to his presidency because Hillary is certainly not better than Trump, but currently she represents the least risk. If he can do that he will win a landslide.


I don't dispute that Trump adds to the GOP electorate; the only question is to what extent he drives traditional GOP voters away.  My wife works with a bunch of Republicans.  None of them like Trump.  They don't like Hillary either, but that's no surprise.  The question is what percentage, with a controversial candidate, holds its nose, stays home or protest votes for a libertarian, or crosses lines.  I think fewer cross lines because it's Hillary as opposed to, say, Biden.  But everything now indicates a sizable number of Republican voters who would refuse to vote for Trump.  What we don't know is the size of those categories.  Hillary is predictable, she's been around a long time, if she wins she probably tops out at 52% max.  Her appeal to independents is limited, though in the face of Trump as a candidate more independents who might have voted for a Republican might be turned off enough to vote for her instead. 

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#3077 artcinco



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Posted 03 March 2016 - 04:54 PM

There is time for Trump to do outreach to the GOP anti-Trumpers. 

Why do you read that kind of crap, Art? Seriously, I don't get it.



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Posted 03 March 2016 - 06:16 PM


I know it's a comedy site, but I think it's a great article. If Trump can spin his "outlandish" comments in this manner, Clinton is in trouble.
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#3079 artcinco



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Posted 03 March 2016 - 06:43 PM

^Trump is playing chess and only focusing on the immediate goal. Once nom is secured he will pivot. 

Why do you read that kind of crap, Art? Seriously, I don't get it.

#3080 freedom78


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Posted 03 March 2016 - 07:32 PM

Last time I check out Trump's site there were no policies on it.  Does this mean he has policies on it now?

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#3081 artcinco



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Posted 03 March 2016 - 09:05 PM

Three Emails That Spell Trouble For Hillary Clinton


#iThing #word
Why do you read that kind of crap, Art? Seriously, I don't get it.

#3082 Adolf Hitler

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:25 PM


As for him winning...I'm not convinced.  I'll admit it's possible.  But this election is very unpredictable and I suspect polling will be poor as a result.  When we get to a general election, Trump v. Clinton (assuming Trump gets there), how will it break down?  He'll bring in new people but a lot of others are significantly turned off my his candidacy as to cross lines or stay home.  I can't say with any predictive power where the balance between the two will be.

This is going to be the key. Hillary and any repubs opposed to Trump in a Trump-Clinton showdown better get on their knees and pray for a record low turnout.That's the only chance she has.  If Trump can get the "common man" and "silent majority" vote...that's where my landslide scenario comes into play.



he's exactly what we deserve

Yep....the reality TV nation gets its reality prez. As far as the partisan gridlock goes, how did these politicians not see the potential of a Trump type character eventually rising up and exposing the sham for what it is? IMO this current climate is long overdue.



Romney comes out

All that will achieve is bringing Trump's poll numbers up.Trump's already exposing him as a fraud(he begged Trump for money in 2012,etc.)


These politicians aren't able to comprehend what is going on here. Bringing out political attack dogs has the opposite effect now.


This election is the establishment vs the anti- establishment. That will cross party lines and only one side in this race is anti-establishment.


the country no longer sits around and pretends we want "change". The country wants it for real this time. Politicians can only talk about change a certain amount of times when it really means more of the same before people catch on to the scam.



Last time I check out Trump's site there were no policies on it.  Does this mean he has policies on it now?

Yep. His strategy is starting to change as the primary season starts to wind down.



Three Emails That Spell Trouble For Hillary Clinton

Trump is going to hit her hard on that email shit in the debates and she'll have no defense to it.

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.



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#3083 Adolf Hitler

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:28 PM

One other thing...there are polls showing that kasich could also beat Clinton. He needs momentum. I wish Cruz and Rubio would drop out before Kasich does. If some scandal brought down Trump, we need that viable alternative in the aftermath.

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.



Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.


-Adolf Hitler






#3084 Adolf Hitler

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 10:35 PM

You can now buy a life size dummy of Donald trump...for $895



All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.



Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.


-Adolf Hitler






#3085 Mr. Roboto

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 11:09 PM

Three Emails That Spell Trouble For Hillary Clinton


#iThing #word


if Hillary is indicted, then she's in big trouble. YUGE. 

"It was like I was in high school again, but fatter."

#3086 Mr. Roboto

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 11:13 PM

One other thing...there are polls showing that kasich could also beat Clinton. He needs momentum. I wish Cruz and Rubio would drop out before Kasich does. If some scandal brought down Trump, we need that viable alternative in the aftermath.


Pressure is going to be on Rubio to drop out, but I think they both want to take it to the convention. If Rubio loses Florida, he would probably drop out I'd imagine. There is a strong anti-Trump sentiment building now in the GOP. They aren't all going to roll over and accept what is happening. I feel like something is happening with Romney too. Probably nothing, but why are they rolling this guy out now? 


Interestingly enough the Koch brothers said they are not going to spend money (as of today) to go after Trump. I guess they see that as a bad investment. 

"It was like I was in high school again, but fatter."

#3087 Mr. Roboto

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 11:14 PM



Trump is going to hit her hard on that email shit in the debates and she'll have no defense to it.


He's going to hit her relentlessly on many things. But if we see it coming, you can be sure her camp is ready and will have rehearsed that debate scenario over and over. 

"It was like I was in high school again, but fatter."

#3088 Timothy


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Posted 04 March 2016 - 12:12 AM

So Drumpf has a big willie of his own .... well according to himself he does.

#3089 Mr. Roboto

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 12:50 AM

Mittt Romney has done something that no Republican presidential nominee has done during the modern primary process: denounced the man who is the frontrunner to succeed him as the party's standard-bearer.


The speech was a doozy. He went after Trump's personal character, his finances, his positions on issues ranging from trade to Iraq. "Dishonesty is Trump's hallmark," Romney said. The audience cheered his list of indictments, as did anti-Trump Republicans on social media who were watching his remarks on television.


Romney is a nice man. He was a reasonably good governor in Massachusetts. He is the worst possible spokesman for Republicans against Trump.


First, he is the losing Republican from 2012. I mention "losing" — the thing Romney did in the Electoral College, the popular vote, and nearly all swing states when he ran against President Barack Obama four years ago — because Trump is sure to bring it up. In fact, he already has. "Mitt is a failed candidate," Trump quickly responded Thursday. "He failed horribly. That was a race that absolutely should have been won."


A big part of Trump's shtick is that he was a good soldier for the Republican establishment when Romney and John McCain were the party's nominees. They failed and now he is taking matters into his own hands. (It's worth recalling Romney did more than any other establishment Republican to help elevate Trump by appearing with the billionaire to accept his endorsement four years ago.)

MORE PERSPECTIVESGettyImages-487396406.jpg?itok=Obk3tTaB&PAUL WALDMAN

Donald Trump's big makeover

RGB_Hill_bern_veep.jpg?itok=HBUFHotb&resRYAN COOPER

Clinton-Sanders 2016?

For Trump, this serves two purposes. It helps him bond with Republicans who are angry about their party's failure to beat Obama in legislative battles or elections. And it is a conversion story of sorts to explain why he went from being a fairly conventional moderate Northeastern Republican businessman — albeit one who has long been consumed by themes of national decline and foreigners disrespecting America — to a Tea Party populist.



The type of Republican who is drawn to Trump believes the party leadership is more interested in fighting the rank and file, or fighting people who are perceived as being too conservative, than fighting the Democrats.


Romney going after Trump with much more relish and cleverness than he ever displayed in his rote attacks on Obama doesn't really do anything to allay those concerns. In fact, it basically makes Trump's case for him.


While anti-Trump Republicans are hungry for leadership and will welcome it from almost any source, Romney subtly undermines the conservative case against Trump in other ways. That case revolves around the fact that Trump isn't especially conservative by mainstream movement standards.


A Republican leader whose conservatism was also suspect by mainstream movement standards, even if to a much lesser extent, isn't the best person to press that argument against Trump. If anything, it reminds the Trump-inclined that conservatives who have denounced their guy once accepted or even endorsed Romney while other more conservative alternatives were still available.


Another conservative criticism of Trump is that even on the issues where he now formally agrees with conservatives, he has a history of flip-flopping. Again, this isn't a subject on which Romney is the best spokesman. Romney's list of flip-flops is certainly less comprehensive than Trump's. But a conservative activist used to follow Romney arounddressed as a dolphin to represent Romney's predilection for position changes. It's a reputation he has had to deal with for a long time.


One of the issues on which Trump has 1. not been very conservative and 2. flip-flopped is health care. Trump has in the not too distant past spoken favorably of single payer. You see the problem, yes? Romney signed and helped design the Massachusetts health care law that was a model for ObamaCare.

RomneyCare is to the right of single payer, yes. So is ObamaCare. Do opponents of government-run health care want to quibble about these technical details in 2016? Wasn't the idea that conservatives should support whatever is incrementally to the right of the Democrats' current health care plan, even if it involved individual mandates and subsidies, what got us into the whole RomneyCare/ObamaCare mess in the first place?


Finally, the argument has always been that once Republicans like Romney go on a winning streak in the primaries, there is nothing we can do to deny them the nomination. If Trump can be denied the nomination after winning two-thirds of the states that have voted this year, it raises questions about the inevitability of past frontrunners.


Yes, Romney has more character and integrity than Trump. And yes, theDavid Duke/Ku Klux Klan business adds some moral gravity to the conservative case against Trump beyond disagreements on trade policy and carried interest.

That still doesn't mean Romney is the best person to rally Republicans against Trump. The best people to do that are conservatives who actually understand Trump's appeal to so many GOP voters.

On some level, Romney must know that the best he can do is prevent the perception that the party is coalescing around Trump. And maybe that's enough.


But if Romney thought he could really help a non-Trump candidate win the nomination, he would probably endorse one. The fact that his endorsement would be as likely to hurt a Marco Rubio or John Kasich as help them (Ted Cruz could probably survive it) is the best indication that if you are looking for an anti-Trump, the Mitt just doesn't fit.

"It was like I was in high school again, but fatter."

#3090 artcinco



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Posted 04 March 2016 - 11:04 AM

^ So true.

Why do you read that kind of crap, Art? Seriously, I don't get it.

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