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#556 TAP


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Posted 21 September 2011 - 03:16 PM

Once one is unemployed they become part of the great lazy mass of welfare queens, sucking the government tit, and leaching off us good, hard working Americans. And if people spend and build debt, sending millions back to work, they are then fully accountable for their own, to use Flagg's term, "piss poor choices".

People, such a system makes no sense.

I was having a similar discussion with family members over summer who are all fairly liberal and miles from being teabagger style right wingers but who are convinced the economy is bad because of people borrowing money they can't pay back. And it's kind of an obvious intuitive thing to think especially because it comes with moral high ground built in, but it just isn't true if you think about it globally rather than locally. Our currency is confidence now, not money.
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#557 Mr. Roboto

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Posted 21 September 2011 - 06:58 PM

Detroit was a collossal failure and GM should have gone the way of the dodo. But Washington played the masses like a fiddle and to save all the jobs, we bailed out a bad buisness. Then they bitch when the same shitty buisnesses give out million dollar bonuses to the same executives that made the piss poor business decsions that led to the failure in the first place.

Do you really think that would have been a good idea to just "let them fail" with the economy on the brink back then? It's not just allowing GM to go under, but all the thousands of parts suppliers etc. Hundreds of thousands of industries/workers would be effected, not just one company. I do not advocate socializing losses, but I am fine with the government stepping in to stop our country from going down the toilet.

It's easy to label everyone in the same category as downtrodden. That's a shitty thing to do, to kick someone while they're down. But what you refuse to do, is say you know what, you made the choices that got you in this situation.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW THIS. You're making a judgement call on a group of people, simply because of their economic situation. It's like me assuming all wealthy people are trust fund babies and didn't work for their money. It's an argument based on an assumption, and you constantly apply it to those Americans further down the ladder.

If you believe that the milllionares who run companies into the ground because of bad decisions shouldn't be bailed out, why do you support blanketly providing aide to the "downtrodden" without holding them accountable for their piss poor choices.

Apple meet orange. I don't necessarily agree with bailing out anybody. When Lehman brothers came for help, the Bush administration basically said "Fuck 'em" and Wall Street (and our 401ks) burned as a result. THAT'S why bailouts make sense: As much as we hate them, our economy, and our retirement were tied to the success or failure of these firms.

Poor people on the other hand, who are getting crumbs (in terms of raw dollars when compared to corporate welfare and bailout money) for basic necessities is hardly the same thing. Again, you assume that not only am I going to accept your analysis of why they are poor, but also apply it to this example. Not going to happen.

I know you have children and I'm sure you didn't grant their every desire growing up for the latest clothes or toys. If they screwed up, you taught them accountability. If they spent all their allowance and then couldn't buy the candy bar/toy, I assume you didn't buy it for them every time. You didn't come into your present situation in life by blaming others and refusing to work and take risks.

Of course not, and you're correct I did everything I could to teach them accountability. However that does not mean somebody who is poor ever had that opportunity (two parents, or one good one) to teach them those life lessons. If you have no foundation from which to grow, your chances in life would be piss poor, would they not?

I don't have the number in front of me that show how much of our budget is spent on the so called downtrodden. And as I said, I'm not totally against helping people. But I'm not going to succumb to the notion that just because it has an emotional edge to it, I'll turn a blind eye and make an exception based on income level. Corporate America doesn't need its bailouts, the military needs to be cut dramatically, and those living on public assistance for an extended period need a good kick in the ass.

I'd imagine it's rather miniscule. At the end of the day, my point remains the same: That the Tea Party is a group of hypocrites who don't understand tax code, don't even know that taxes have been lowered, don't want "their" tax money going to help others, yet are perfectly fine being on the dole later down the road.
"It was like I was in high school again, but fatter."



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Posted 21 September 2011 - 07:17 PM

It's easy to label everyone in the same category as downtrodden. That's a shitty thing to do, to kick someone while they're down. But what you refuse to do, is say you know what, you made the choices that got you in this situation.

Again, YOU DON'T KNOW THIS. You're making a judgement call on a group of people, simply because of their economic situation. It's like me assuming all wealthy people are trust fund babies and didn't work for their money. It's an argument based on an assumption, and you constantly apply it to those Americans further down the ladder.

I'm not saying everyone who needs help is a moron who made bad choices. What I'm saying is that not all of them are down on their luck. And if we're going to offer assistance to them, some sort of background test needs to be done to fidn out why they need help. Is it because they worked for the same company for 30 years, lived within the means of that job and that company suddenly went under? Is it because they dropped out of school, smoke meth and quit their McJob every 2 weeks because their mean boss wouldn't let them have friday off to go clubbin? Both get labeled as downtrodden when only one of them is really down on their luck. So I say, have some system that evaluates it. I also have no problem with worker camps for people on unemployment. If they're going to get money from society, why can't they pick trash up along the highway, mow the park or paint the fence around the little league field? Call me old fashioned, but I believe that people have more self worth and respect when they're doing something in lieu of sitting home feeling sorry for themself. When I was at the lowest point of my life, estranged from my family with no certainty of the future I worked as a janitor and cleaned up litteral shit from women's bathrooms. It sucked, but I felt like I earned those 7$ an hour when I was done for the day. I'm all for helping people when they deserve it. I'm not for blanket handouts to people because they fall at a certain arbitray income level.

I want taxes raised, on everyone. Moreso on the wealthy because that's how our tax system works. But I also want cuts and accountability brought to our spending rather than heart sob stories being preached from the podium to line the pockets of consitutents. Whether that be made up people in need or retarded babies from vaccines. If this country is going to make it, people need to start sucking it up and quit playing the victim. Life's hard and it's not easy unless you're a Hilton. And there's nothing wrong with a helping hand in your moment of need. But there's something very wrong with people throwing in the towel and expecting to be carried by those who don't throw it in. Making the distinction is all I ask.
Beta male, and chubby incel doing what I do best...



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Posted 21 September 2011 - 07:25 PM

Once one is unemployed they become part of the great lazy mass of welfare queens, sucking the government tit, and leaching off us good, hard working Americans. And if people spend and build debt, sending millions back to work, they are then fully accountable for their own, to use Flagg's term, "piss poor choices".

People, such a system makes no sense.

But there is a difference between someone who makes prudent choices and gets screwed over and someone who makes bad decisions from the start. If you make 25k a year, you shouldn't be taking out a loan for a 200k home. Regardless of what Bernie Sanders tells you, you're not entitled to that standard of living because you haven't earned it. If you make 35k a year in an uncertain profession, say like retail, you probably shouldn't be driving a BMW. Spending is good and most people have to use debt to acquire the american dream so to speak. But do it within your means. If that means holding off on having kids or stopping at 2 children instead of knocking out the 3rd, 4th or 5th kid, do it. Most of the people that are hurt in today's economy are people who bought a house they couldn't really afford and was way overpriced. Those are all the stories you hear about. Somoene being foreclosed on. And if you play to people's emotions, they ignore the blatant stupidity that got these people in these situations. Like the moron from detroit who got his 100 year old mother kicked out of her home for a day. He took out that mortgage and he ignored the letters for years saying he owed money. He did nothing. Then when he's finally fucked, he cries foul and the bleeding hearts come running to tell him it'll be ok. That's the kind of stupidity and piss poor choices I reference.
Beta male, and chubby incel doing what I do best...

#560 Guest_Whistler's Momma_*

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Posted 21 September 2011 - 08:00 PM

I'm not saying everyone who needs help is a moron who made bad choices. What I'm saying is that not all of them are down on their luck. And if we're going to offer assistance to them, some sort of background test needs to be done to fidn out why they need help. Is it because they worked for the same company for 30 years, lived within the means of that job and that company suddenly went under? Is it because they dropped out of school, smoke meth and quit their McJob every 2 weeks because their mean boss wouldn't let them have friday off to go clubbin? Both get labeled as downtrodden when only one of them is really down on their luck. So I say, have some system that evaluates it. I also have no problem with worker camps for people on unemployment. If they're going to get money from society, why can't they pick trash up along the highway, mow the park or paint the fence around the little league field? Call me old fashioned, but I believe that people have more self worth and respect when they're doing something in lieu of sitting home feeling sorry for themself. When I was at the lowest point of my life, estranged from my family with no certainty of the future I worked as a janitor and cleaned up litteral shit from women's bathrooms. It sucked, but I felt like I earned those 7$ an hour when I was done for the day. I'm all for helping people when they deserve it. I'm not for blanket handouts to people because they fall at a certain arbitray income level.

I want taxes raised, on everyone. Moreso on the wealthy because that's how our tax system works. But I also want cuts and accountability brought to our spending rather than heart sob stories being preached from the podium to line the pockets of consitutents. Whether that be made up people in need or retarded babies from vaccines. If this country is going to make it, people need to start sucking it up and quit playing the victim. Life's hard and it's not easy unless you're a Hilton. And there's nothing wrong with a helping hand in your moment of need. But there's something very wrong with people throwing in the towel and expecting to be carried by those who don't throw it in. Making the distinction is all I ask.

I never thought we'd agree on something but I have no problem with WPA type work camps like they had after the Depression but try selling that to the Republicans who don't want to put any money into infrastructure projects if it means geting people back to work on Obama's watch. Not Mikey Mouse, make work stuff like picking up trash along highways. I mean real jobs rebuilding bridges, schools, public parks and highways.

#561 cousin it

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Posted 22 September 2011 - 05:52 PM

I guess that I was fucking drunk this morning... I left out Catholic... It was 439 years ago tomorrow that began a plight that ultimately led to me, here, now. Tomorrow is the anniversary of St. Batholomew's Day Massacre which led to the Religious Wars; which, in turn, led to the Huguenot flight from France. My maternal ancestors were Huguenots that fled persecution on the continent. Reading of the revolution in France led me to read more of my ancestor's history, and hence, my discovery that it is nearly the anniversary of a date that led to my being. So, in the spirit of my ancestors, flog a catholic, tomorrow.

#562 Timothy


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Posted 22 September 2011 - 06:10 PM

Does it count if a Catholic flogs them self??

#563 cousin it

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Posted 22 September 2011 - 06:21 PM

Does it count if a Catholic flogs them self??

Nah, that is just penitence. Posted Image

EDIT: Oh wait. Catholics don't do that anymore, do they? Oh well! I have a hair shirt, somewhere, that I will give you.

#564 freedom78


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Posted 23 September 2011 - 04:55 AM

Once one is unemployed they become part of the great lazy mass of welfare queens, sucking the government tit, and leaching off us good, hard working Americans. And if people spend and build debt, sending millions back to work, they are then fully accountable for their own, to use Flagg's term, "piss poor choices".

People, such a system makes no sense.

But there is a difference between someone who makes prudent choices and gets screwed over and someone who makes bad decisions from the start. If you make 25k a year, you shouldn't be taking out a loan for a 200k home. Regardless of what Bernie Sanders tells you, you're not entitled to that standard of living because you haven't earned it. If you make 35k a year in an uncertain profession, say like retail, you probably shouldn't be driving a BMW. Spending is good and most people have to use debt to acquire the american dream so to speak. But do it within your means. If that means holding off on having kids or stopping at 2 children instead of knocking out the 3rd, 4th or 5th kid, do it. Most of the people that are hurt in today's economy are people who bought a house they couldn't really afford and was way overpriced. Those are all the stories you hear about. Somoene being foreclosed on. And if you play to people's emotions, they ignore the blatant stupidity that got these people in these situations. Like the moron from detroit who got his 100 year old mother kicked out of her home for a day. He took out that mortgage and he ignored the letters for years saying he owed money. He did nothing. Then when he's finally fucked, he cries foul and the bleeding hearts come running to tell him it'll be ok. That's the kind of stupidity and piss poor choices I reference.

That's fine and you seem to take the line of personal responsibility with regard to our debts. But my point was that it was only that debt that permitted us to have a "respectable" unemployment rate...around 5%. If these people hadn't done what you consider stupid, unemployment would have been higher, and then there would simply be more people lambasted as welfare queens, lazy, etc.

I agree that many individuals make poor financial choices, but those choices are also an important part of our economy...without them, unemployment goes up considerably.
Sister burn the temple
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It's just the echo of the blood in your head

#565 Mr. Roboto

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Posted 23 September 2011 - 07:04 PM

"It was like I was in high school again, but fatter."

#566 TAP


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Posted 26 September 2011 - 08:49 PM

Show me your dragon magic

#567 wedjat


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Posted 26 September 2011 - 09:29 PM


TAP, you must give a synopsis instead of just a paste & cut....or cut & paste, lol.
How many times have I told you not to play with the dirty money??

#568 TAP


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Posted 26 September 2011 - 09:31 PM


TAP, you must give a synopsis instead of just a paste & cut....or cut & paste, lol.

The synopsis is in the link title.
Show me your dragon magic

#569 Guest_Whistler's Momma_*

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Posted 27 September 2011 - 09:22 AM


TAP, you must give a synopsis instead of just a paste & cut....or cut & paste, lol.

I guess we all have our own individual posting styles, but I kind of agree with you. I generally won't click on a link if I don't have a clue what the topic is about.

#570 wedjat


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Posted 27 September 2011 - 10:55 AM


TAP, you must give a synopsis instead of just a paste & cut....or cut & paste, lol.

The synopsis is in the link title.

Haha, you brat you.
How many times have I told you not to play with the dirty money??

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