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Member Since 25 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2009 12:35 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Jenn or Angelina?

15 April 2009 - 12:35 AM

Angelina. I never "got" Aniston. She's so... wholesome.

In Topic: AC/DC

30 January 2009 - 08:00 AM

I'm a fan of Bon Scott era AC/DC. I mean, you kids with your Back in Black and Black Ice...

I am too, and the second they dig Bon up for a tour I'm totally there.

They should do it. It worked with the rest of the band.

I was a big Bon Scott fan as well but, Bon Scott himself picked his successor w/o even knowing it. Bon was watching a show and thought this guy had a unique singing style, thought he was raw and thought the ending of the show was great where the singer collapsed and had to be carried off on a stretcher.....Well I'm sure Bon was a bit toasty at the show. Brian Johnson was the guy with the raw powerful and unique voice. What he didn't realize was that at the end of the show the whole collapse and being carried off on a stretcher was because Johnson actually performed with a burst appendix and really did collapse and really was carried off and rushed to a hospital for surgery. Angus told that story during a recent radio interview.....

That's a pretty cool story. And, between that one and the "Slash is an old man" one, I see you carving out a niche as the Matt Pinfield/Eddie Trunk of the GNR Syndicate.


In Topic: Favorite 80's movies

29 January 2009 - 06:40 AM

Speaking of "endless" and "teet", I'll go with the Friday the 13th series. Those slasher movies mesmerized me in my younger years (like from 8 to 24).

In Topic: AC/DC

29 January 2009 - 06:38 AM

I'm a fan of Bon Scott era AC/DC. I mean, you kids with your Back in Black and Black Ice...

In Topic: The Smashing Pumpkins

28 January 2009 - 08:13 AM

Before I decided to gripe about the "singles over albums" idea, I was going to say how much I like this song. It's one of those rare ones that I can count on having stuck in my head for at least the rest of the day whenever I hear it. Heh.