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Member Since 13 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2011 07:29 AM

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In Topic: Hijack this thread

16 July 2011 - 07:29 AM

We experienced the "dog-threat" for the first time this year. One of our neighbors said our dog had tried to bite her dog. Ours is a 9 year-old Golden Retriever, a big old sap, not an aggressive bone in her body. The neighbor said if she saw our dog near her property again the dog would be poisoned or worse! The very next day as I was standing with my dog on my property her very aggressive little yippy ankle-biter came and tried to bite me and my dog. Stupid bitch was standing there watching too.

Well, I am glad the stupid bitch was there to see it. How awful to threaten you and your dog like that though. I wish I lived somewhere where I did not have to deal with neighbors at all.

In Topic: Please allow me to introduce myself.......

15 July 2011 - 10:28 PM

Who were you in another life? On CD?

Well, you know the saying. If I told ya, then I'd have to kill ya. :wink, wink:

I'm not quite ready to 'out" myself, as it were, as I'm sure the Shitty Data spies read here. Posted Image

While I'm thinking I am done with POC, I may still want to use the state boards for a relocation.

Fair enough. We'd hate to see you kill Black Jesus and the rest of us eavesdroppers. But I really think the Shitty Data spies have lost interest in C.C. a long time ago.

Really? I read through that whole 79 pages and maybe it was a mod who was in there early on. At any rate, I've learned the hard way to keep my anonymity so I make up a different user name wherever I go now and don't tie anything back to another user name. I ended up having to cancel email accounts and it was a royal pain. So now I just lay low. I was stalked on the Net, so I am more careful now as to what I reveal, not to mention I was once threatened by a RW nutcase on the Net who said he had my IP and could trace me. At the time I had a static IP so one never knows...

In Topic: I totally want to make sweet love to Michelle Bachman

15 July 2011 - 09:56 PM

All I can say is "ewww." Posted Image

In Topic: Rich People's Taxes Have Little To Do With Job Creation

15 July 2011 - 09:46 PM

My mother drives me crazy with this stuff. She goes on and on about how we cannot afford national health care (while she uses her Medicare). I consistently point out that if we'd end the damn wars and close down bases we COULD take care of our own. Just falls on deaf ears. However, I think she is a fear based republican with that mindset "if we don't fight 'em over there we'll fight 'em over here." That's when I have to remind her about our wide open border that anyone could come through with a suitcase nuke. She still doesn't get it. Oh well. She's old and I am not about to change her. Good thing she doesn't vote anymore. I also remind her she is not in the "club" but for some reason this also falls on deaf ears. Oh well.

In Topic: Hijack this thread

15 July 2011 - 09:38 PM

My neighbor threatened to both "shoot" my dogs and "hit them with a stick" right after we first moved down here. They are Lab mixes, as loveable as can be. Needless to say it's been six years and I haven't said a word to him since I told him what a dirtbag he was about...6 years ago.

Yeah, I am waiting to tell this guy what an asshole he is. Only I think I'll just tell him something a bit more "clinical" and leave it at that. As to his wife, I cut her no slack as she married the jerk. I want nothing to do with any of them. I am glad nothing has happened to your dogs.

I've googled on "I want to kill my neighbor's dog" and you would not believe what sickos there are out there. There are neighbors out there who want to kill pets, trees, etc. I once got an anonymous letter in the mail saying if I wanted to keep my cat alive, I'd better keep her in the house. Some people are mean.