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There have been 6 items by Gryfon (Search limited from 18-May 23)

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#34047 Why hasn't Beck filed numerous lawsuits.....

Posted by Gryfon on 21 August 2010 - 01:13 PM in Survey Central

Glenn Beck is a sensationalist media whore with more sex appeal to female viewers than actual morals, sort of like the person who reads the weather compared to a politician with his future on stake with every statement he makes.


He is eye candy rather than impartial or a voice of the people, just like some other internationally broadcasted morons who talk louder than they listen.

#34044 Drunk thread

Posted by Gryfon on 21 August 2010 - 12:39 PM in Main

Straight Whiskey and the freaky Rohipnol inspired cocktails they serve up at parties is on my ingredients for being drunkity. Relax & drink beers or wine for a few hours then you get handed something. 3 getting handed somethings later you feel slurred speech kicking in & you're hugging the floor before the 4thPosted Image

I never woke up with a sore butt or missing wallet but today i prefer to pace myself and enjoy the buzz and not be macho or risk making an ass out of myself.

So far I've woken up in Laundry cupboards,(nice cool,quiet place to sleep) puked in a friends dirty washing (separate incident) Dragged bleeding toothless college friends from bars. Had to re-assemble a hotel room and pay for a smashed windscreen on behalf of an even more drunk girlfriend who caused the damage, Got a DUI after being the last minute designated driver. had an all expenses paid Christmas party the day before I was supposed to fly 6000 miles - i woke up late with road rash scratches all my face and missed my flight. I've decorated a dozen streets and bathrooms with Puke including an hour before I lost my virginity.

good times bro, good timesPosted Image

#34043 Drunk thread

Posted by Gryfon on 21 August 2010 - 12:39 PM in Main

Straight Whiskey and the freaky Rohipnol inspired cocktails they serve up at parties is on my ingredients for being drunkity. Relax & drink beers or wine for a few hours then you get handed something. 3 getting handed somethings later you feel slurred speech kicking in & you're hugging the floor before the 4thPosted Image

I never woke up with a sore butt or missing wallet but today i prefer to pace myself and enjoy the buzz and not be macho or risk making an ass out of myself.

So far I've woken up in Laundry cupboards,(nice cool,quiet place to sleep) puked in a friends dirty washing (separate incident) Dragged bleeding toothless college friends from bars. Had to re-assemble a hotel room and pay for a smashed windscreen on behalf of an even more drunk girlfriend who caused the damage, Got a DUI after being the last minute designated driver. had an all expenses paid Christmas party the day before I was supposed to fly 6000 miles - i woke up late with road rash scratches all my face and missed my flight. I've decorated a dozen streets and bathrooms with Puke including an hour before I lost my virginity.

good times bro, good timesPosted Image

#34035 Failbook

Posted by Gryfon on 21 August 2010 - 12:09 PM in Main

I added lamebook to my favorites folder a few months ago, it really funny but makes me glad i don't have a facebook/myspace/blog/twitter page or any of that other social networking time vampire shit.

When lameforumcomments.com comes online i'm sure I'll feature regularly Posted ImagePosted Image

#34031 Obesity

Posted by Gryfon on 21 August 2010 - 10:54 AM in Main

Few things are more digusting than a fat person in tight clothes waddling down the street but one of them is a fat person in tight clothes who smokes. I can't help but remember that cigarettes are an appetite suppressant.

Posted Image

Stop smoking and get fatter? keep smoking and die of multiple causes? or get your shit together?

Really fat women with cameltoe "Gunts" and small children also intrigue me. Was the guy drunk & unconcious or did you just put on 200lbs after childbirth? Its no surprise most of the kids they have ain't too skinny eitherPosted Image

#33759 Jesse Ventura for US president in 2012/16?

Posted by Gryfon on 19 August 2010 - 04:20 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Could he be the next US president? He's a military veteran, wrestler, actor and former governor. He is very outspoken, likes shit stirring, has a good sense of humour, patriotism & clear conscience that most policticians lack. Best of all, he is not related to Democrats or Republicans. A "2 party system is just 1 more than communists have to choose from"

205,199http://www3.pic-upload.de/19.08.10/ci4ebihn6jo.jpg[/img]Posted Image

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36bKg_qWtdI[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvKgj_EjUDw[/url] Use [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoqmH49VBC0[/url]