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Its Cousin

Member Since 15 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active May 02 2024 07:28 PM

#74887 Global Warming Thread Formerly "adapting" To The Climate Crisis: That...

Posted by Its Cousin on 20 January 2017 - 12:35 PM

Aren't the polar bears supposed to be dead by now?


Nah, but their future is pretty damn bleak.





What happened to the shipping routes that were going to open up in the arctic.


I recognize that you are just being facetious, but here, read this, anyway.






]These climate scientist are about as accurate in their predictions and models as Pollsters were in the election.


You might want to get your climate science information from a reputable source, and by that I mean someone other than a retired college drop-out radio weatherman, because actually, the models have been pretty damn accurate, both climate and election, though some political pundits appear to not understand margin of error when compiling data. 







In fact, models constructed nearly 30 years ago are consistent with currently observed data.


But I guess a record amount of humans and our march fo 10 billion people in the next 30 years isn't a cause or concern. Don't want to do anything about that.


I'm surprised that you resorted to a fallacy of relative privation... you usually make some decent arguments???

#73869 USA Election thread

Posted by Its Cousin on 24 August 2016 - 12:23 PM

Those emails are nothing when compared to the images of dead Americans laying in the desert of our enemy... people blamed Carter for that failure, and it made him look like a bumbling fool. His decision to forgo campaigning in the last months of the election pretty much confirmed their suspicions. And there was the thing about his acknowlegment of lusting after some woman (or something like that). He just seemed foolish.

At the time, too, the Soviet threat was a real concern among Americans and he seemed weak and indecisive compared to the virile Reagan... he didn't really stand a chance.

#73862 Hijack this thread

Posted by Its Cousin on 24 August 2016 - 08:44 AM

He's always come back before. I'm betting this GNR tour will bring him out of the woodwork.

I've always been around; I just lurk, now. I couldn't remember the password for my other account, and the email associated with it is lost, too. Apparently, back in the days when I was living in a drunken stupor, I registered this account... don't remember doing it, but I don't recall a lot from then.

So, I'll give you guys an update: finally got the leg to heal (thanks Obama!), and quit drinking. Well, mostly quit- I had a few drinks on my birthday about 6 months ago, but I pretty much quit about 3 years ago. I'm a grandfather, now, too. My grandaughter will be 3 in a few months and is an absolute joy. Most of my time online, these days, is spent on Reddit, usually in the science related subs and ones of local interest... I definetly stay away from the political stuff.

Edit: I haven't really been following the reunion stuff. I thought about going to the show in Cinci, but didn't... had I only known. Oh well.