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Universal Healthcare

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#31 cousin it

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 05:18 PM

sorry. all that just sounds absurd to me. here, you just get it done. you go to the doc, the specialisty,have surgery whatever the case is regardless of pre-existing/existing/soon to be existing..again whatever the case. Our government has it's population best interests at heart. without the people, you have nothing.

Randal..yes, I am argumentative with you and yes, I take offense to almost all of what you say. It isn't personal persay, just I cannot believe that someone as pigheaded and arrogant as you come off to be,exists. Good fucking thing you SERVE your country because you are not good for much else with that attitude. I cannot even fathom how the US can effect change at all with people like you. Despite the cost you should want the best for the people of American, your family ,friends..the poor..the children and families that don't get enough to eat and either go to school or go to bed, hungry..for the family who has an asthmatic child and sacrifices the grocery bill to get the meds the child needs or the family of moderate mean trying to care for a hospitalized loved one. You talk and talk and think you know what is good for you country, your opinion reallys means squat if you do not get behind something as basic as equal and free healthcare. DO NOT even assume that you know how it works in Canada. DO NOT even try to say that you read something that says...you don't live here, you never will and you have no clue, so before you even start THAT argument, don't. My opinion is nothing really because I am not a US citizen but I did experience..I lived in PA and NY state for 5 years, long enough to see, to learn. I continued to drive to Canada for my healthcare and even drove to Canada to have both my kids.K,I have ranted and riled so long now, I have gone somewhat askew of the topic...
Basically just wanted you to know that I will always continue to attack you if I do not agree with your ridiculous,ignorant,arrogant comments..just how I roll...wake up before it is too late or I feel sorry for your aging population and your family. No hard feelings eh?

Madam, as his second, we demand honor! Pistols at dawn???

#32 cousin it

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 05:19 PM

^^Oops! That is a felony in Kentucky.

#33 LISA


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Posted 02 April 2009 - 05:22 PM

good, cuz I cannot hit the broadside of a barn and to be treated in your country would cost me my life savings

#34 cousin it

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 05:41 PM

You seem to be pretty good at hitting the cat, though.

#35 LISA


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Posted 02 April 2009 - 06:49 PM

sure..my car is a bigger weapon though..

#36 Macker


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Posted 02 April 2009 - 08:30 PM

Li? Please calm down....We are all immature adults here...Praise his name.
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Posted 03 April 2009 - 03:35 AM


Beta male, and chubby incel doing what I do best...



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Posted 03 April 2009 - 09:20 AM


Beta male, and chubby incel doing what I do best...

#39 freedom78


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Posted 03 April 2009 - 10:37 AM

You said a lot, so I'm breaking it down to respond:

Make me the bad guy if it suits your purpose. You can argue that I live in a conservative stereotype, but I tend to make my decisions over statistics and logic rather than emotion. Health care isn't a right, and the United States became the greatest nation in the history of our planet without social medicine. So your argument that my opinion somehow prevents progress is faulty.

There's plenty of logic behind the idea that what's good for the collective can be good for the individual. Hell, even Spock said that! But in all seriousness, how is it illogical to make a country better by making the weakest parts of its population better off? And, speaking of statistics, you made a lot of claims in this post (your 5 million number below) without any stats to back them up. I don't always need a number to prove something, but since you're basically arguing that 90% of our uninsured population is in that state due to their own fault (and I note that you don't include poverty as a fault), then you'll need to demonstrate that one.

Also, I don't buy your "greatest nation" argument. We have more poverty, a worse healthcare system, and piss poor education...do those not count in the measure of a great nation? Or is it only about military size or some other factor?

And, no, health care is not right in the Constitutional sense. Neither are paved roads, cars, jobs, and millions of other things that we generally think of as making things better. So, what's your point?

I honestly don't care what goes on in Canada because their population is a 10th of the US and they strongly rely on the US for protection and support - as is the case with many countries that afford social medicine. Health care in the US is the best in the world to those that can acquire it (which is the vast majority) and we don't have to worry about union type environments where the CATScan is only operational 10 hours a day. I know the average wait times for care in Canada and other social nations. Thanks but no thanks.

Protection from whom? We pay exorbitant sums to sustain a ridiculously large military, but no country has attacked us in our homeland over sixty years. Of course there have been instances in other places, but one must wonder how things might be different in we didn't project military power into every continent on this planet. Since the end of WWII, there are very few American military misadventures that one could call justified.

But that's off topic. Many of the countries we're currently "protecting" have nuclear arsenals, so I'm not sure how much protection they really need from us. Hell, the reason they can afford universal healthcare is BECAUSE they don't have such exorbitant military expenditures.

Regarding the "wait times", most of my searching on this topic suggests this is more hype than reality. I'm sure there are instances. Perhaps you move and can't get a doctor to serve as your primary care physician because they're all full up. Or you have to wait days to get an appointment for a non-emergency issue. No...wait a minute...I'm getting myself confused. Those are MY experiences with our perfect, wonderful, no wait time American debacle.

Also, the thing you don't note here is that we don't have to implement a system exactly the same as that in Canada or any other country. Indeed, we should not. Examine their systems closely, implement what works, and find different solutions for what does not. If the CT machine is only being used 10 hours a day and there are long waits, then hire more people to run it at different hours. That's the kind of job that doesn't go overseas, and a hospital makes more from running a CT than from having a CT remain stagnant, so I can't see why they'd object.

The excuse that not everyone can have a good job is bullshit. There are always jobs available that pay well, construction or other labor type jobs. I know this and see it first hand. As I said in an earlier post, when you compile all those who lack healthcare in the US at no fault of their own (meaning they can't afford it or an existing program allready would cover them) that figure comes to 5 million people. So 1.5% of people in the US can't afford healthcare. Even under Obama's plan, he estimates 15 million people will still not have care. I hardly think that providing healthcare for those 1.5% (something we still haven't established as a right or responsibility of the government [that pesky constitution is always in the way isn't it?]) warrants the most dramatic social program in the history of the world.

No, it isn't bullshit. Not everyone can have a "good" job at the same time. It is not possible. Suddenly America is a wonderland of boarded up McD's (I'm picturing fried tumbleweed) because all those people got other jobs that paid better and ahve good benefits? Sorry, that just isn't reality. I'm sure some people working as a burger flipper can get a better job, but there aren't infinite jobs.

And the Constitution isn't in the way of healthcare. It simply doesn't speak to the matter.

Mock personal responsibility all you want, but there is a correlation to the demise in sense of self responsibility and the defecit our nation faces. Playing a victim is never a winning strategy. But let me hammer one point again, Obama's plan does nothing to provide total care for all Americans. So if you're going to attack me as some archaic speedbump in the road to progress, you need to add Obama to that group as well.

I'm not mocking personal responsibility. I agree that it's become a sadly diminishing phenomenon. But it isn't the answer. It's part of a larger answer, sure, but there are other issues that go far beyond personal responsibility.

I'm not the victim. I have insurance. This is not me arguing for something I want provided to me. I'm arguing that our country helps to address a serious problem (poverty) by addressing one of its primary causes (healthcare expenses and crises). I'm arguing that it's a good thing to make the country better in a way that benefits all people.

And, yes, I would agree that Obama's plan doesn't go far enough. But as far as speedbumps go, your position is one of those bumps that makes your car bottom out and gives whiplash. His is very small by comparison.
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#40 LISA


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Posted 03 April 2009 - 04:32 PM

I'm done. It is funny cuz all I would ever want for all of you'Mericans is the same privilages and benefits I myself personally enjoy. Maybe it is just the soft side of my nature. I would love all my cyber pals the experience and comfort of having free and unbiased basic healthcare. In my world it is one of our fundamental rights..almost something we take for granted. I would wish you all the comfort of knowing that no matter what is wrong, no matter the concern or pain or emergency, you have the freedom to be treated when and how you like. For the sake of your health, your familys' health.

#41 Mr. Roboto

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Posted 05 April 2009 - 03:39 PM

Sick Around America
"It was like I was in high school again, but fatter."

#42 LISA


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Posted 05 April 2009 - 05:26 PM

just reading the introduction is enough to make me cry, maybe I am just to sympathetic and too emotional,whatever. From where I am sitting all I can hope and wish for is for something positive to be done for the American people.It is so unbelievable, almost more then I can comprehend, or even want to.

#43 Mr. Roboto

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Posted 06 April 2009 - 09:22 PM

I was watching this piece on 60 minutes tonight about Nevada running out of funds (because of our current economic mess) to supply health care to those who no longer have insurance. Everybody they reported had insurance and lost it when their job went away. Ironically one had lost their job because they were too sick to work. All had cancer and were unable to get treatment. They simply stayed at home and waited to die. Not only was it sad beyond belief, but it was infuriating to watch. One woman had her breast cancer move into her bones and could do nothing more than lay in bed all day-no medical help. Eventually (I guess the bed and wheelchair were rented) the medical supply company took her bed and wheelchair from her. Totally fucking outrageous!!!! Nobody should die of cancer in our country like this, totally unacceptable.
"It was like I was in high school again, but fatter."

#44 LISA


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Posted 06 April 2009 - 09:44 PM

it is totally unacceptable. Cancer is a fucking killer but there is so much that can be done nowadays. I personally know and am freiends with 4 cnacer survivours, breast cancer for 3 and uterine for 1. Agressive therapy,immediate medical care and personal help from their oncologists is what saved their life..and it was fucking free. I seriously cannot watch (I do) some of these programs..documentaries....breaks my fucking heart and makes me mad as hell. At least here, in Canada, if they have done all they can for you..and they do, and it comes back or your prognosis is beyond medical modern help, they help you and your family exist. You know you will die in comfort with your family with you, they will make the last, evil hard days of your life more barable with pain relief and dignity to go as you choose. If you HAVE to go , go with dignity, go with the love of your family and friends surrounding you...and enough drugs to sink a ship..for fucking FREE! christ..what's it gonna take to remove the blindfold of greed from the healthcare and lack thereof in the U.S? I just get so passionate and pissed off..and it hurts to know so many do without the basic human needs of good medical care..

#45 Mr. Roboto

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Posted 06 April 2009 - 10:20 PM

"It was like I was in high school again, but fatter."

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