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#67696 Gay Marriage/everything Gay Thread-Now With 20% More Gay!

Posted by wedjat on 28 March 2014 - 01:39 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Wait, what? So he's never heard of Phelps (right), reads some obit, praises the obit, then turns around & says Phelps is an idiot? Is anyone else confused?

#67694 Teabagging

Posted by wedjat on 28 March 2014 - 08:32 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

Female conservatives are their own worst enemy.

#67689 Universal Healthcare

Posted by wedjat on 27 March 2014 - 04:43 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I can back up my claims just fine thanks. I have no desire to continue discussing this with you because you are being a fucking asshole. Clear enough now?

What else is new?

#67688 Common Core

Posted by wedjat on 27 March 2014 - 04:43 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I had to click the reveal button. :( Anyway, I'll humor you.  I don't care what the color or culture of someone is.   If they did something important, they should be mentioned.  We shouldn't exclude people in order to fill in special attention to people because of the color of their skin or some other arbitrary trait.  If we quit making a point of people's differences, we'll see them as just people and can celebrate what they did, not their physical appearance or area where they were born from. 


But thanks for the thought provoking discussion on the topic at hand. I thought for a second there you might try to find something I said and distort it to fit some infantile ideal that doesn't stand up to intellectual scrutiny.  :rolleyes:

Actually, you'd be excluding people simply based on their race or culture because you wouldn't deem them important. Do you think the civil rights/slavery era was unimportant simply because of their skin color? You can't understand that? Interesting.

#67684 Common Core

Posted by wedjat on 27 March 2014 - 03:57 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Remind me again, how does race/culture history not pertain to american or world history? You're only interested in the white folk history? I see how unbiased that is...rolls eyes.

#67665 Universal Healthcare

Posted by wedjat on 27 March 2014 - 12:20 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Yea, Obamacare as it stands isn't going to survive.  That the President and his representatives feel they can change the laws without going through Congress is truly telling.  Again, the hatred and bile slung at Bush is nothing compared to the powers Obama has decreed himself to have.  And the left laughs when Bohner says he won't pass an immigration bill because Obama would just pick and choose which parts to enforce.

You'll get over it one of these days.

#67664 Gay Marriage/everything Gay Thread-Now With 20% More Gay!

Posted by wedjat on 27 March 2014 - 12:17 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

The Republicans aren't evil bigots and the Democrats aren't enlightened philosophers.

Yeah they are & yes we are.

#67632 All TV All Day

Posted by wedjat on 25 March 2014 - 02:43 PM in Silver Screen

Glen & Maggie, Sasha & Bob & hopefully, Daryl & Carol. I just found out that Danai, who plays Michonne, wasn't even cast yet when Michonne appeared at the very end of that episode in Season 2. If you notice, you can't see a face. I wonder who played her for that scene?

#67630 All TV All Day

Posted by wedjat on 25 March 2014 - 11:49 AM in Silver Screen

How can you not give a damn about Michonne? She's like, epic. Beth, now Beth I don't give a shit about. I hope she's gone for good.

#67617 Hijack this thread

Posted by wedjat on 23 March 2014 - 02:02 PM in Main

Eh, that's basically the profile of most guys in their 20's.

#67553 All TV All Day

Posted by wedjat on 12 March 2014 - 12:49 PM in Silver Screen

I just got it last night, haven't watched it yet. 


Tonight is the last episode of House of Cards. Shit is crazy! 

It's about effing time.

#67552 USA Election thread

Posted by wedjat on 12 March 2014 - 12:47 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

This would be a good idea for a thread lol. "Cunt" then post articles that apply. 

Make it so.

#67537 USA Election thread

Posted by wedjat on 11 March 2014 - 10:52 AM in News, Current Events, Politics




#67536 Hijack this thread

Posted by wedjat on 11 March 2014 - 10:51 AM in Main

I don't give a shit about JB. The media makes way too much of it and people play into it. And I'm sure he's thriving on it and playing into it, himself. Maybe he is a little prick, I don't know, but I think two things: (1) He's another teen star (just turned 20) who's going through what may be sort of normal angst as one transitions from teen to adulthood and it's publicized everywhere and made bigger than life just because he's famous and/or (2) Is it partly publicity ploy, too? I mean, I'm sure he certainly wants to find a way to try to keep himself relevant and not just yesterday's kiddie pop idle. Maybe he has a "great" publicist who's helping this along.

He's a dick, period.

#67516 Hijack this thread

Posted by wedjat on 10 March 2014 - 12:56 PM in Main

I hate this little punk ass bitch. I hope someone beats her ass hard.



#67501 USA Election thread

Posted by wedjat on 07 March 2014 - 11:48 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

He's a piece of shit. Always has been, always will be.

#67499 Hijack this thread

Posted by wedjat on 07 March 2014 - 11:29 AM in Main

I've seen this before, or something similar. I think John Mellencamp may have been in the episode.

#67497 Science vs Religion

Posted by wedjat on 07 March 2014 - 10:58 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

Exactly. I mean, how can you explain Bachmann?

#67484 USA Election thread

Posted by wedjat on 06 March 2014 - 02:44 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

And then he passes it off to Coburn. How sad he felt the need to do that, it just makes the gop look like guns is the nearest & dearest issue to them over everything else.

#67471 USA Election thread

Posted by wedjat on 05 March 2014 - 01:22 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I'm sorry, but Obama has been entirely antagonistic in this regard.  You won't be able to find the same issues coming from Bush from 2000-2006.  You can't do that.  Obama and the DNC rammed Obamacare through Congress in the sleaziest move in congressional history.  Did you not think the GOP was going to retaliate for that?  The GOP is going to win this year and it will be entirely up to Obama on whether or not he's a lame duck.  I just hope the GOP doesn't continue this nonsense of removing the filibuster.  If the GOP does something stupid, the DNC should be able to stop them in the Senate.  Ginsburg better step down now, cause this is her last chance to retire and get another liberal justice in her place.

No, he hasn't. Interesting you think Obamacare is the sleaziest move in congressional history. Says a lot about you. Also interesting that you blame Obama for being a possible lame duck. Anyone with eyes & ears since he has gotten into office knows exactly where the blame lies in terms of any moves by him getting blocked & that is with the GOP. Deal with it, your party sucks.

#67470 Obligatory youtube thread

Posted by wedjat on 05 March 2014 - 01:13 PM in Main

Haha, dude I was laughing so hard at work I was crying watching this. Jimmy was spot on.

#67462 Hijack this thread

Posted by wedjat on 04 March 2014 - 02:14 PM in Main

I didn't even really notice it when it happened.

#67461 Obligatory youtube thread

Posted by wedjat on 04 March 2014 - 02:11 PM in Main


You'll appreciate this J.

#67429 Gay Marriage/everything Gay Thread-Now With 20% More Gay!

Posted by wedjat on 26 February 2014 - 03:51 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Don't forget about Texas. Goddamn it! I still can't copy & paste links on here. I give up.

#67425 Obligatory youtube thread

Posted by wedjat on 26 February 2014 - 01:01 PM in Main

I like Fallon, I used to not be a fan of his but he's grown on me.