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Whistlers Momma

Member Since 22 May 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2012 08:41 PM

#61072 Hijack this thread

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 09 July 2012 - 07:30 PM

You guys aren't going to let me live that down, ever, are you? LOL.

We're just glad your around to live that down. :D

#60972 Universal Healthcare

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 30 June 2012 - 10:06 PM

I hate that the right wingers can't accept it when they lose. They want us to fight the same crap over and over again.

#60817 Hijack this thread

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 20 June 2012 - 08:11 PM

Graduating tomorrow. :D It all feels oddly anti-clmactic though.... Maybe it'll sink in tomorrow haha. :P


#60536 I Just Got It

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 03 June 2012 - 08:40 PM

I think he's referring to song lyrics with the term 'crass communication' in it.

#60530 Hijack this thread

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 03 June 2012 - 04:08 PM

Thanks for the advice, Ms. Ham. I copied and pasted your recommendations for later reference. I just sold one of my husband's collectibles for $15,000 so that makes the decision to pay off the mortgage even easier to make. I'm a happy camper right now.

#60352 USA Election thread

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 23 May 2012 - 01:01 PM

It's funny you say that. More people are impoverished and dependent on government assistance, our students perform poorer and more folks are unemployed. Now the only constant that follows this trend is the increase in government. yet, you claim that it's lack of government intervention that leads to this. We're called the UNITED states, because it was a nice word. We existed for almost 200 years before the explosion of entitlements in the late 60s and early 70s that have continued. You can imagine and prophesize all you want, but the reality is that people are generally lazy and as long as we continue to tell them it's not their fault for making piss poor choices and that it's someone else's responsibility to pay for their quality of life, they'll believe it. But the DNC has done nothing to pay for this outrageous amount of money spent on people. Every economic move they make is to place limits on the success of private industry and the use of natural resources that create jobs. West Virginia didn't vote for a felon over Obama because they're racist. They don't like Obama because he is anti-coal and another name was on the ballot.

But your answer is to raise taxes on a portion of the population, while doing nothing to condemn the collective behavior of the segment of society that perpetuates its own poverty. When you start advocating that the so called "poor" quit reproducing children they are unable to clothe, feed and educate on their own, then maybe I will think you have an argument. But as long as you ignore the real problem that life style choices are largely the cause of people's woes, we really don't have anything to discuss. I'm all for increasing tax revenue. But I also want goverment spending slashed. This country can not sustain itself if it continue to spend the way it does.

Oh, get real here! It's not the Republicans that want to help poor people have less children. If they did they'd support organizations like Planned Parenthood and having more---not less---sex education in the schools and at public clinics. The Republicans are doing their best to go back to the days when women were all instructed to hold an aspirin between their knees if they don't want to have a baby. That didn't work in the 50s and it won't work now. It also won't work in this day of texting and Facebook, etc., to send all our unwed teens off to an "aunt" in another part of the country to have a baby out of wedlock and then pretend it never happened like they did with unwed mothers decades ago. The Republicans want to ignore the fact that our biology drives us to want to have sex when they still say outlandish things like "poor people need to quit having children." Put your money where your mouth is and support the very programs that have helped lower the birth rate among the poor since the beginning of Planned Parenthood. When I was growing up I knew many families with 5 to 8 kids but I'd be hard pressed to name a rich or poor family with that many young kids today. You don't change a whole class of people in one generation but we're making a lot of progress.

#60330 Hijack this thread

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 22 May 2012 - 05:23 PM

Thanks for the laugh, Ms. Ham. I wonder where my avatar persona is going in her new car. ;)

#60277 Hijack this thread

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 20 May 2012 - 02:45 PM

Well, now that I'm old and single again I'm finding that you end up right back where you start out as a teenager---group dating. I'm not kidding. I jointed a 'movie and lunch' club. Once a month anywhere from 15 to 30 people in my age bracket meet for a movie and lunch and we even have the emails flying trying to figure who can give so-and-so a ride because they can't drive. LOL

#60215 USA Election thread

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 18 May 2012 - 08:11 AM

What Romney has the most to fear if he allows those super-pacs to bring Rev. Wright's sermons into the equation is that it opens up the doors to bring Mormon sermons into the public earshot. Most Christian denominations consider Mormonism to be a cult and he doesn't need to remind Christian voters of that. Several of my very Republican and very religious relatives shocked the heck out of my a few weeks ago when they said they will not be voting this November because because of Romney's religion....we're talking people who have never missed an election or voting for a Republican in their entire lives. Romney didn't just attend services in his church, he held the offices of ward bishop and stake president and there are a lot of Christians out there who aren't willing to overlook that.

#60020 Hijack this thread

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 05 May 2012 - 09:18 AM

He is 83, but is pretty sharp.

He doesn't know where the condo is, because unlike you and I, it's just another of many assets. I think he has only been in it once or twice.

I mailed my letter off tonight. I'm real curious to see what his reaction is.

Have you heard anything back from him yet? If things don't iron out, that's really a sad ending to a long-time friendship.

#59961 Hijack this thread

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 30 April 2012 - 05:25 PM

Thanks Lynn. All that remains after is to decide what the hell I want to do with my life.

Good luck with your exam....and with deciding what you want to do with your life. I'm older than dirt and still haven't figured that out.

#59922 Black Lives Matter, Fomerly Trayvon Martin

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 27 April 2012 - 06:24 PM


Zimmerman has received $200, 000 so far in donations from supporters. Wow!

The NRA and its 4.1 million members plus the gun industry will makes sure that fund has all the money Zimmerman needs for his defense and then some.
  • *D* likes this

#59688 Black Lives Matter, Fomerly Trayvon Martin

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 13 April 2012 - 07:28 PM

I am getting older and do not feel that "Fire" I had when I was younger (lack of aggressiveness and generally like to avoid any conflict if possible.) I also have fucked up peripheral vision. Because of these two things I feel vulnerable physically where I did not before. I also care a great deal for my wife, more-so everyday and have considered purchasing a handgun for my home only.

Funny you should say that. I feel a hell of a lot safer now that my husband's guns are out of the house. If you compare the numbers of people who get shot accidentally by a family member to the number of people who get confronted by a stranger during a break in, the numbers don't weigh up in favor of owning a gun for protection. And if you don't go to the firing range to practice all the time, you're not going to be able to use your gun with confidence if you ever was confronted by a stranger in your home.

#59636 Black Lives Matter, Fomerly Trayvon Martin

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 11 April 2012 - 08:27 PM

Tax dollars gonna be wasted. No way in hell they can convict Zimmerman based on evidence we have heard. Especially with Florida's Stand Your Ground law.

One can argue Zimmerman doesn't follow.. Martin doesn't die


If Martin DID punch Zimmerman, one can argue if Martin had just said "I am staying with my dad's fiancee up the street" instead of punching him *if he in fact did so* he'd also be alive.

A person is dead and no one---so far---has come forward to claim to be a witness. It's not a waste of tax payer dollars to have a hearing regardless of what little actually evidence there may or may not be to back up Zimmerman's CLAIM of what happened or if they have a stand-your-ground law in that state. The parents of this kid deserve to hear the facts and conjecture given under oath where he can be cross-examined. Martin may not have had a gun BUT he also had a right to stand his ground if someone appeared to be stalking and following him in the night so if he did throw the first punch, is that reason enough to use deadly force? Is it enough to shift the blame to the victim like a rape victim wearing a short skirt gets blamed for her attack? Zimmerman knew the police were on the way. Why did he even have his gun drawn in the first place? The kid was not doing anything illegal when Zimmerman started following him!

#59201 Why are the Asian escorts services more dominating?

Posted by Whistlers Momma on 27 March 2012 - 10:48 PM

This is no spam, it's a legitimate question. Why ARE there so many asian escort ads?

Because there are so many Asian escorts and a lot of them in this country are probably victims of human trafficking.