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#75661 Loons

Posted by PERM BANNED on 23 May 2017 - 10:20 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

I'm just going by what's in the article, which mentions nazi/supremacist propaganda in the home.. I suppose if you're looking for copies of Mein Kampf, then I'm equally guilty, but I lack the framed McVeigh bromance photo.

I meant no way for the army to know during enlistment.

#75659 Loons

Posted by PERM BANNED on 23 May 2017 - 09:45 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

If there's one thing common among various militant beliefs, whether fascist or Islamist, it's a belief in superiority that struggles against a reality of inadequacy. I only wish it had been a double murder suicide.

BTW, why is the Florida national guard admitting nazis?????????????

Do we know they were neo nazis? Sorry if I don't take a jihadist's word as gospel. But unless they have aryan tattoos or a record, no way to know. We tried to screen this stuff out in active duty. Surprisingly it wasn't neo nazis we had issues with. Well, I can't say we really had issues at all. But I had a couple soldiers fall for that 12 tribes of Israel shit. Claiming Jews are Satan and white people are demons taking their birthrights. Only found out cause they got in trouble passing out literature in Seattle.

Ultra christians (stone gays, blasphemy laws, prayer) were much more common and an occasional issue than racism ever was.

#75614 Everything Trump Thread-Pee Tapes, Comb-Over Advice, Russia Etc

Posted by PERM BANNED on 17 May 2017 - 05:33 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Of course I see your point.  But I also believe that Obama's loyalty to the DNC and their party's nominee is just as strong as Trump's was to Flynn (both had been fired when they claimed their subordinate was innocent).  If you don't think Obama going on national TV and stating Hillary was innocent carries the same implications as Trump saying "I hope you find your way to letting this go", we'll have to agree to disagree.  I don't see any distinction in the employee/employer relationship in this matter.  Obama also claimed he had no idea Clinton had a private server, but in one of the emails on her server, one of the aides acknowledges that Obama was emailing her from a special, unknown email address.  I don't give a shit about any of that.  But if you're going to claim Obama had no reason to get involved in Hillary's investigation and we're reaching for any connection to tie Trump to wrongdoing, there's your equal example.


There's nothing to suggest that Comey was fired because he didn't play ball with Flynn.  That's unsubstantiated.  You may believe it's true, but your comparison falls short until that is reasonably true.  For the millionth time, every Democrat wanted Comey gone 8 days ago.  Clinton blamed him for her loss just 2 weeks ago.  Trump fires the guy, which is entirely in his right as President for any reason he wants (don't worry, I'm sure the left will work to get union protections for government appointees too).  But the man has done nothing illegal.  That's end of the story.


A special prosecutor has been appointed.  Comey will speak next week.  Until we get some real evidence, I'm not interested in whatever manufactured outrage the party completely out of power creates to make themselves seem relevant.  

#75609 Everything Trump Thread-Pee Tapes, Comb-Over Advice, Russia Etc

Posted by PERM BANNED on 17 May 2017 - 10:21 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

I'm only mentioning Obama because Democrats are behaving now like Republicans did for 8 years.  We go from one tragedy to another in the same news day.  How do you discern between what is a real problem and what is just political opportunists howling at the wind?  IF Trump asked Comey to back off Flynn, yes, absolutely, that is a problem.  I seriously doubt you'll ever be able to prove this happened, as what has been revealed so far is that Trump said something to the effect of "I hope you can let this go."  You and I can read between the lines of what that means, but he didn't offer a quid pro quo or threaten Comey if he didn't acquiesce to his request.  At least that claim hasn't been made or substantiated.   Lynch met with Bill Clinton in a private hangar and my read between the lines is that Hillary's investigation was discussed.  Can I prove that in a court of law?  No.  Just as "I hope you can let this go" wouldn't stand up in court as the equivalent of "I'm ordering you to halt the investigation into my friend Michael Flynn."  Obama publicly stated Hillary did no wrong before Comey made his famous announcement in July.  How is that fundamentally different?  Do you doubt for a moment Obama and Lynch would have been upset if Comey had come out and recommended charges?


I also think the nature of the discussion on Flynn matters.  If we're talking for the weeks when the left was calling for the Logan Act to be used (again, something not used since 1791) because Flynn had a conversation with a foreign official before officially being sworn in, then yes, I think there should be some discussion if that is something we should look at.  Prosecutorial discretion. But if Flynn took illegal payments from Russia and intentionally broke the law, then by all means he should be investigated.  There's no doubt Clinton violated the law with her server and emails with classified information.  But as Comey said, no Prosecutor would go after her because you'd never be able to prove actual intent.  I think that same leeway should be considered depending on the exact crimes Flynn may have committed.  Petraeus took his fuckup like a man and was given leniency based on his record of service to his country.  I expect Flynn to own his mistakes and be given a punishment that takes into account all of his actions.  

#75605 Everything Trump Thread-Pee Tapes, Comb-Over Advice, Russia Etc

Posted by PERM BANNED on 17 May 2017 - 08:36 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

This isn't a competition.  Take off your blinders.  I realize you thought Obama did most things wrong.  That's no surprise, given that you're a conservative and he's to the left.  This is not that.  Not even close.  If you can look at a stupid comment about ISIS being the JV team and compare that to a comment in which our President undermined our intelligence by sharing it with a foreign power, you're off your rocker.  The partisans (Congress) of one party spend countless hours investigating false controversies (Benghazi, and the servers to a lesser extent), yet in this case a President is asking a REAL investigator to drop investigations which harm him politically.  Not the same thing.  You may disagree with Obama's policies, but they were hardly surprising policies coming from the modern Democratic Party.  To compare them to what many are now calling the treasonous actions of this President is little more than an effort to obfuscate.


Also, not that I want to go down this road, but looking at the things you mentioned in your post as Obama's mistakes, he'd have had to start WWIII in the middle east to prevent all that.  Not to mention that it's documented that ISIS would never have been, had the Bush admin taken out Zarqawi, when they had the chance, prior to the Iraq invasion.   



You can say that, but your opinion is that Trump is embarrassing the United States and harming our position abroad.  Congratulations, that's exactly how a lot of us felt as Obama went on his apology tour and objectively weakened our international standing.  Again, Obama shared intel with Russia in Syria that they actually used against us.  It's all over the newswire, but I'll be glad to link the original articles if you want.  Did the GOP scream the sky is falling and demand impeachment?


This is a level of hysteria completely unprecedented.  It's one thing to have a Sarah Palin driving around the country spouting off idiocy.  It's a completely other to have actual members of congress (who have no legislative accomplishments, but are career race-baiters) demanding Trump be impeached.  For what?  What law did HE break?


Killing radical muslims and protecting our borders from an influx of illegal immigrants who are a huge burden to our country is kind of expected from the modern Republican party.


I get it, Trump is a complete asshole.  He says and does a lot of stupid shit in a very brash tone.  He's not eloquent or maybe even decent.  But that's why a lot of people voted for him.  Instead of shoving rainbows of Hope and Change up their ass, he offered fire and brimstone like the original Metal Up Your Ass album cover.  But he shared intel with Russia about ISIS (the exact same exchange the Obama administration made) which we are both trying to eradicate.  That is entirely in his power and at his discretion and no one has shown that what he revealed was inappropriate.  I'm pretty tired of the faux outrage.


Democrats shit all over the Israelis.  The only Jews they care about are American ones who make donations to their party.  So excuse me if I find it laughable the DNC is upset that Trump may have harmed our relationship with Israel.  After 8 years of Obama where they weren't even on speaking terms, this is a hysterical.  Excuse me if I chuckle at the idea of members of our intelligence agencies in open revolt committing numerous felonies, but the left wants to worry about Trump using his executive authority to share intel to help a military ally destroy an enemy the Obama administration allowed to form and grow.


I'm not trying to play the blame game.  Just pointing out that there are very real criticisms of the way Democrats handled our government for 8 years. Obamacare is a massive failure and is about to implode.  The DNC has done nothing to resolve it, and worse, people already blame the GOP for it being a colossal failure.  It's as if never enforcing that individual mandate that was the crux of the entire program created a problem.  


There is absolutely nothing Trump can do that won't elicit condemnation and cries of Armageddon from the left.  Nothing.  Every leader in the DNC demanded Comey resign or be fired.  When it happened, they did a complete 180.  It's all a farce.  The idea that Trump fired Comey to halt the investigation is ABSURD.  In what world and with what logic would firing Comey end the investigation?  To claim this was his intent is pretend Trump is a complete fucking idiot and not the man who built a billion dollar empire through real estate, reality TV and winning the office of the most powerful person in the world.  


Everyone forgets how bad Obama's first year in office was.  He brought in a bunch of Academics and idealists with no government experience and it took them about a year to work out all of the kinks.  A recent study showed that CNN spends 95% of their news coverage on Trump.  Is it any surprise you feel Trump's administration is worse than Obama's when the media does nothing but trash it 24/7?  It's no wonder outrageous far right media enclaves have sprouted.   Someone has to try to balance out the one sided avalanche of intentional bad press.  The WaPo was cheering in their editorial room when the intel sharing gained traction.  That's not the behavior or a group trying to inform.  It's the behavior of a group trying to sabotage.  And people wonder why Trump doesn't gargle on their balls and kiss their ass.  Obama had the Nobel before he was even sworn in.  That was the kind of environment the media created for him. Christ, the Podesta leaks showed open coordination between the media and Clinton.  As much as Sean Hannity may be a fill in for Goebbels, plenty of journalists were all too eager to kiss the ring of Hillary and run a story approved by her team.  When did the 4th estate become an advocacy group?  If that is there new role, then they should be accountable when they selectively release classified material that no law provides them protection from.


Benghazi deserved to be investigated.  I'm not saying Clinton did anything wrong.  I don't think she did.  But our embassy was attacked and 4 people were killed.  Then Obama has Rice hit the talk show circuit and outright lie about the cause.  And Clinton follows suit, lying to the families of the deceased telling the same lie.  Why?  All because they didn't want to admit they fucked up, didn't assess the threat appropriately, and let Stevens stay there when they should have ordered him to evacuate.  That's the truth behind Benghazi.  


So all of that is a long way of saying I don't know what the fuck "treasonous" means anymore.  Especially when the exact same actions you're calling treason now, were committed by Obama's team and had the full support of the American left.  I do know our stock market is at its highest point ever, jobs are slowly improving and hopefully we'll get more action on deportations and protecting our country from being swarmed by people who don't give a fuck about our history, language and values and just see us as a huge honeypot.  

#75599 Everything Trump Thread-Pee Tapes, Comb-Over Advice, Russia Etc

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 May 2017 - 07:22 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

It is being reported that Trump also asked Comey to drop the investigation on Flynn. 


Think the GOP is going to do anything? A dozen investigations on Benghazi though...



I think this one has more traction than anything previously.  

#75595 Everything Trump Thread-Pee Tapes, Comb-Over Advice, Russia Etc

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 May 2017 - 12:06 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

So, you're basically what you bitched about for 8 years? Cool. 



You're in Canada, right?  Cool


I didn't post a new thread daily arguing Obama is destroying the country.  And I admitted where I was wrong, namely the auto bailout.  Who did the "reset"?  Who did nothing in Georgia or Crimea?  Who mocked being concerned about Russia in the 2012 debates?  What media outlets and Politicians joined in mocking Romney and McCain for calling Russia our greatest adversary?Partisans.  The same idiots who wanted Comey crucified just 3 weeks ago who now think his termination was wrong.  James Brown may be the hardest working woman in Washington, but she's a fucking a moron.

#75593 Everything Trump Thread-Pee Tapes, Comb-Over Advice, Russia Etc

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 May 2017 - 09:36 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

Have you ever watched a baseball game where the pitcher is clearly losing it and is no longer effective and, inexplicably, the manager leaves him in the game while the other side racks up the hits, and the whole crowd is thinking "FOR FUCKS SAKE, GET HIM OUT OF THERE". 


Yeah, that's exactly how I feel right now about the President, except he was never effective to begin with.



Now you understand how a lot of us felt as Obama called ISIS the "JV Team", drew his red line in the sand, allowed Syria, Libya and Egypt to fall and created the refugee crisis.  Now you understand how a lot of us felt as Obama put the interests of non-citizens ahead of his own citizens by allowing them to enter and stay.  A lot of stupid decisions that harmed the country's overall condition, but appealed to the feel good rhetoric embrace and regurgitated by his base.  Trump's loyal supporters are no different.

#75591 Everything Trump Thread-Pee Tapes, Comb-Over Advice, Russia Etc

Posted by PERM BANNED on 16 May 2017 - 08:37 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

^ that's from WaPo. This buffoon piece of shit was fucking bragging to the goddamned Russians about how he has great intel when he provided the info. Buzzfeed is now reporting the damage is much worse than revealed by WaPa.



Buzzfeed isn't news.  They do stories like "10 questions for White People".


You forgot this part of the article:


“The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation,” said H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, who participated in the meeting. “At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed, and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly.”

#75585 Guns N' Roses

Posted by PERM BANNED on 15 May 2017 - 10:25 AM in The Amphitheater

Why are Joel and Axl getting flack for this?  Billy's always done the "gospel song" leadup and done Highway to Hell the past 3 years (in the past he's had a roadie do vocals, at least he did in 2014 and 2016 in Philly and Pittsburgh respectfully).  Axl lives in LA, and he's been fronting AC/DC the past year.  So why wouldn't it be cool for both to be on stage.  Was it a problem when Axl and Elton John did Bohemian Rhapsody at the Freddie Concert?


Slash can play the superbowl with Fergie while she butchers SCOM, and everyone claps.  It's like Axl can do no right.

#75538 Everything Trump Thread-Pee Tapes, Comb-Over Advice, Russia Etc

Posted by PERM BANNED on 11 May 2017 - 01:32 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

I didn't see Hannity, but I did catch 15 minutes of Tucker Carlson and some of what was on before him.  Tucker spent most of his time interviewing someone whose sole purpose was to trash Comey and to trash Democrats, then he interviewed a Democrat and tried to oversimplify it down to the fact that Comey mishandled Hillary, therefore Democrats should support his ouster.



Is this about Susan Rice or something else?  While I generally agree that executive administrations don't always effectively police themselves, we only have one executive right now and making this about Obama at all feels like an effort to distract.


I never believed Obama acted inappropriately in anyway regarding Trump.  Some Republicans have argued that Rice was the one who leaked the classified information about Flynn to the press, but until I see actual evidence of this, I don't think it's true.  But someone in the intelligence agencies was leaking information in the early days of Trump's presidency, and I do believe that deserves as much consideration as who released the factual emails from Podesta.  The FBI has been investigating Russian ties to the 2016 election since July.  So far not a single piece of evidence has been revealed showing collusion between Trump and Russia in this regard.  When people have to reach for the Logan Act, something that hasn't been used since 1791, I think they're reaching.  Maxine Waters demanding Comey's resignation months ago and now doing the talk show circuit saying Trump was wrong for firing him shows how out of touch and partisan our political leaders have come.  By assigning an independent investigator and authorizing them 90 days, that allows them to look at the information and make a public appeal to congress and the American people if there was any wrong doing by anyone on the Trump team or someone in the State, Justice or Intelligence communities.  When Schumer is trying to say Yates was fired because she was looking into Trump and not because she refused to defend Trump EO on immigration, you know he's being disingenuous.  Just like the left wing media who ran the headline "Yates destroys Cruz", ignoring the question and statute Cruz put before Yates before she responded with another, more limited statute.  


Very few people want the truth.  They just want confirmation that Trump or Obama acted inappropriately.

#75529 Everything Trump Thread-Pee Tapes, Comb-Over Advice, Russia Etc

Posted by PERM BANNED on 10 May 2017 - 08:03 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

As I often do when something big happens in politics, I flipped between the cable networks to see their different takes.  It was amusing to watch the Fox people talk about how Comey was always terrible and to actually defend Hillary Clinton and argue that he bungled it. 



I watched Hannity for 20 minutes then switched to MSNBC.  Hannity came across as a state sponsored spokesman for a 3rd world dictator.  Though I did love him playing all the Democratic leaders demanding Comey's head back in November.  MSNBC came across as hysterical as always, tripping over themselves to try and forget they demanded Comey be launched into space just a couple months ago.


They need to assign a special investigation with something like 90 days to determine if there's anything to the claims on either side.  Did Trump or his associates collude with Russia and did the intelligence community or Obama operatives leak classified information.  Neither side is willing to police their own people and both sides would be happy as a pig in shit to keep these "investigations" open indefinitely so they have talking points.

#75511 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 03 May 2017 - 04:31 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

If this is the budget deal we get when Republicans control the House, the Senate and the presidency, there's no point in ever voting for a Republican again. 

Not only is there no funding for a wall, but -- thanks to the deft negotiating skills of House Speaker Paul Ryan -- the bill actually prohibits money from being spent on a wall. 

At a CYA press conference on Tuesday, Trump's ridiculously chipper budget director, Mick Mulvaney, described the bill's prohibition on building a wall as a MAJOR win. (At least Mulvaney said it in English, unlike his all-Spanish 2014 townhall.) 

True, there will be no wall. But the Democrats graciously agreed to allow the administration to fix broken parts of any existing fences on up to 40 miles of our 3,000 mile border. 

The other big wins, according to Mulvaney, are: 

1) more defense spending, which is fantastic news, because I was worried Boeing and Lockheed Martin CEOs were falling behind Mark Zuckerberg with their gluttonous salaries; and 

2) school choice, an obsession of Washington wonks that is hated out in America, where parents move to high-tax towns for the express purpose of avoiding schools full of disaffected urban youth, and the disaffected urban youth don't want to spend two hours on a bus every day. 

But Mulvaney assures us that this monstrosity of a spending bill has set things up beautifully for the next budget negotiation in October. 

That has become the GOP's official motto: "Next time!" 

We can never win this time. Instead, Republicans' idea is always to surrender this time, in hopes that their gentlemanliness will be rewarded by their mortal enemies next time. Then, next time comes, and Republicans again surrender in hopes of currying favor with the Democrats and the media for the next time.



Mulvaney's most disturbing comment was to say that what upset Trump the most was the Democrats' "spiking the football" on this deal. 

Apparently, Trump's fine with no wall -- and everything else in a bill straight out of George Soros' dream journal -- if only the Democrats hadn't been so rude as to tell the public about it. When your main complaint is that the other side is gloating too much, maybe you're not that great a negotiator. 

Yeah, sure, it's only 100 days in, it's an artificial deadline, the media is dying to say Trump has failed and so on. 

Except: Planning for the wall should have begun on Nov. 9, and a spade should have been put into the earth to begin building it the day after Trump's inauguration. Now, it's 100 days later, and we still don't have the whisper of a prospect of a wall. 

Moreover, this isn't one random bill funding Planned Parenthood (which this bill does). This is the budget deal. There won't be another one like it until next October. 

That's a spectacular failure. Democrats have got to be pinching themselves, thinking, Am I dreaming this? 

It's theoretically possible that Trump could still build a wall, but he's just massively lengthened the odds of ever prevailing. Sure, you can let the other team build a 20-point lead in first half and still come back to beat them, but it's a lot easier if you don't go into halftime 20 points down. 

Trump entered the presidency with the only kind of power that matters. He didn't owe Wall Street a thing. He didn't owe anyone -- not donors, lobbyists nor any political party. What he had was the people, passionately on his side. 

But as soon as he got into office, Trump started giving away his miraculous, unprecedented power. Hey, Wall Street! Even though you didn't give me any money, is it too late to be your friend? 

No amount of abandoning his supporters will get Trump anywhere with Wall Street, Hollywood or the media. Their ferocity will simply shift to ridicule. 

Admittedly, Trump has the enormous handicap of having to work through congressional Republicans, who are feckless cowards. If Speaker Ryan and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell had been around for Reagan's firing of the air traffic controllers, they would have been hysterically screaming, No! You can't do that -- the planes will crash! 

This isn't new information. We knew Washington Republicans were useless. That's why we elected such a comically improbable president as Donald J. Trump. 

The deal was that we were getting the Hollywood version of a New York businessman: an uncouth, incurious rube -- who would be ruthless in getting whatever he wanted. 

In addition to being the only candidate for president in either party taking America's side on trade, immigration, jobs and crime, what set Trump apart was his promise that we would finally win. 

Remember? There would be so much winning, we were going to get "sick and tired of winning," and beg him, "Please, please, we can't win anymore. ... It's too much. It's not fair to everybody else." 

We're not winning. We're losing, and we're losing on the central promise of Trump's campaign. 

How would Trump, the businessman, react if an underling charged with developing a new golf course could never break ground?

What if the subordinate's progress reports sounded like this: I have given 21 speeches to various chambers of commerce and neighborhood groups, assuring them that there's going to be a golf course. Everywhere I go, I say, "Don't worry about it. It's going to be built!" I have started a commission to study developing a golf course. I have put up a sign saying, "Golf course coming!" And I have caved, and caved, and caved -- so now our opponents know what good guys we are. 

Trump would fire that employee so fast your head would spin. 

We want the ruthless businessman we were promised. 



#75311 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 23 March 2017 - 08:15 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

Interesting.  If this is what Trump meant when he stated that Obama wiretapped him, then he grossly overstated his case.  This would seem to be normal surveillance under the broad umbrella of FISA, rather than the much more controversial surveillance of US persons.


I totally agree.  But if they had FISA warrants on Trump's people, that is something the public needs to know immediately.  If they didn't have FISA warrants and analysts were passing around recordings they shouldn't have kept, while not the end of the world, it shows a problem in the NSA that needs to be resolved.

#75308 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 22 March 2017 - 01:56 PM in News, Current Events, Politics


#75304 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 21 March 2017 - 12:43 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

But, but.. Hillary and her emails..  :rolleyes:



you mean an instance where there was real evidence of criminal wrong doing (classified material on an unsecure non-government network) versus Maddow's wet dreams?

#75303 USA Election thread

Posted by PERM BANNED on 21 March 2017 - 12:42 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Trump's shit is worse than the shit they made up about Obama.  We're only two months into a 48 month term.  What's the over/under on impeachment?


I'm still waiting for actual evidence and not Mother Beaver's Storytime from some 3rd rate DNC politician.  

#75290 Universal Healthcare

Posted by PERM BANNED on 15 March 2017 - 08:11 PM in News, Current Events, Politics


#75286 Universal Healthcare

Posted by PERM BANNED on 15 March 2017 - 06:28 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

#75284 Universal Healthcare

Posted by PERM BANNED on 14 March 2017 - 02:37 PM in News, Current Events, Politics


#75282 Universal Healthcare

Posted by PERM BANNED on 14 March 2017 - 11:29 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

#75279 Universal Healthcare

Posted by PERM BANNED on 13 March 2017 - 05:05 PM in News, Current Events, Politics


#75277 Gender Equality

Posted by PERM BANNED on 13 March 2017 - 09:13 AM in News, Current Events, Politics

I knew you'd say something like this. Just knew it...

I don't think anybody is "losing their shit" but simply pointing out the irony in this. Women are disrespected in our society, often sexually. So here comes some doosher who dry humps a statue of a little girl placed for international women's' day. IMO that only highlights their point. It's the kind of bullshit women have to deal with all the time.

Little girls are air humped all the time? Or women are air humped all the time? I'm still trying to figure out how some dipshit being a dipshit against a political statue (cause little girls stare down rampaging male bovine all the time and live to talk about it) is somehow a slight against women. I know I stare down rhinos, tigers and polar bears all the time and my man power just scares them off.

#75270 Gender Equality

Posted by PERM BANNED on 12 March 2017 - 04:49 PM in News, Current Events, Politics

Nothing says "I'm tough and independent" like losing your shit because some idiot "disrespected" a statue. I remember a couple years ago when a photo of kids climbing on the Korean War memorial made the Facebook round. No one gave a shit then either.

#75247 Universal Healthcare

Posted by PERM BANNED on 08 March 2017 - 08:23 PM in News, Current Events, Politics
